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試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 桃園市國民小學及幼兒園教師聯合甄選:英語(B)#61851
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1. The English language represents an interesting mix of European dialects that _________ into a single language.
(A) coalesced
(B) hinted
(C) adopted
(D) incommode

2( ).

2. My grandmother____________ the decline in moral standards in today’s society.
(A) bled
(B) cried
(C) howled
(D) lamented

3( ).

3. The researchers analyzed the English editorials in The Economist. The analysis manifested that pictures   took an essential part in____________ ideas and attitudes that the written texts intended to explain, judge, and comment on.

4( ).

4. “There are too many accidents that can____________ life on a single planet,” Hawking said. “But I’m an optimist. We will reach out to the stars.”
(A) befall
(B) befit
(C) benefit
(D) belate

5( ).

5. What was once understood as protecting the public interest is now _________ as heavy-handed regulatory browbeating.
(A) excommunicated
(C) excluded
(D) excoriated

6( ).

6. Some studies show that we are seeking true____________ and personal connections when it comes to finding a long-term partner.
(D) compromise

7( ).

7. Public administration consists of the____________ of public policy by public authorities.
(A) exclusion
(B) excursion
(C) execution
(D) coercion

8( ).

8. We are compelled to choose between what passes as the “twilight of sovereignty” and an entropic end of all history; or a return to the past’s most _________ and demoralizing discord.
(A) unctuous
(B) unguent
(C) spontaneous
(D) fractious

9( ).

9. The Charity Society host a(an)____________ jump yesterday to encourage people to donate money, so she went up to it.
(A) bellydance
(B) parachute
(C) growl
(D) auction

10( ).

10. Osama bin Laden’s name and face have become so numbingly familiar to Americans as in effect to____________ any history he and his shadowy followers might have had before they became stock symbols of everything loathsome and hateful to the collective imagination.
(A) obliviate
(B) obdurate
(C) objurgate
(D) obliterate

11( ).

11. In this computer game, you will have 10 seconds to click as __________ as possible on the “click button.”
(A) many
(B) many times
(C) much
(D) much time

12( ).

12.____________ rapid spread of railways and the increase in ocean transport, long-distance traveling became more common.
(A) The
(B) With the
(C) It was the
(D) There was a

13( ).

13. ____________, the Mauritius parakeet, and the Japanese crested ibis are among the most endangered of the world’s birds.
(A) Including the Marianas mallard
(B) Being the Marianas mallard
(C) There are the Marianas mallard
(D) The Marianas mallard

14( ).

14. Unless there____________ a profound and extensive reform of government policies in the near future, the economic conditions in that country will continue to deteriorate.
(A) is
(B) are
(C) has been
(D) have been

15( ).

15. ____________students would rather study on their own than go to classes.
(A) Many of
(B) Many
(C) A lot
(D) Lots

16( ).

16.____________ the formulation of explanatory laws, the first step in scientific research is the collection and description of facts.
(A) Although it is science’s ultimate aim
(B) Although science’s ultimate it is
(C) Although science’s ultimate aim is
(D) Although being science’s ultimate aim

17( ).

17. The yeti is claimed by witnesses _____ with long brown hair.
(A) covered
(B) cover
(C) covering
(D) to be covered

18( ).

18. Please sing it _____.
(A) the way it was written
(B) from where he left us
(C)in the way of which it was written
(D)as the way how it was written

19( ).

19. In 2002, as an Illinois legislator, Obama supported infanticide ______ vetoing the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.
(A) from
(B) in
(C) for
(D) by

20( ).

20. Today William Shakespeare____________ the author of the plays credited to him, but some have suggested he couldn’t have written them all.
(A) assumes to be
(B) is assumed to have been
(C) to be assumed that
(D) being assumed that

21( ).

III. Cloze 
Early on a mid-October Saturday, 21 cloaks our suburban neighborhood in gray. But even this misty haze cannot 22 the blazing glory of the maple trees lining the street. Who needs Old Sol on a day like this? Canopies of radiant red and gold leaves glow from within, as if 23 by their own private sun. This autumnal glow comes as an especially welcome gift these days. Has the October landscape ever seemed more 24 beautiful than it does after a month of national mourning? The soft light and brilliant colors serve as 25 antidotes to the somber news coming out of Washington and Kabul.

(A) sunlight
(B) fog
(C) blizzard
(D) snow

22( ).

(A) extinguish
(D) languish

23( ).

(A) bathed
(B) shaded
(C) risen
(D) lighted

24( ).

(C) pointedly
(D) possessingly

25( ).

(A) aching
(B) waking
(C) encouraging
(D) comforting IV. Error Correction

26( ).

IV. Error Correction
【題組】26. After the lunch, I lay down (A) a lounge chair (B), then I lay down onto it (C) to take a nap (D).

27( ).

【題組】27. That would unravel (A) the market’s two-and-a-half-year-rally, which is attributed by (B) many to investors abandoning interest-bearing investments from buying (C) stocks and stock mutual funds as interest rates have fallen (D).

28( ).

【題組】28. Although (A) his historic win, Emmanuel Macron has failed (B) to achieve the more important goal of keeping Marine Le Pen below (C) the thirty percent level that(D) now leaves her as the principal leader of the French opposition.

29( ).

【題組】29. Some people think that the politics are (A) difficult in our country (B) and that has become a large issue (C) for the 2018 election (D).

30( ).

【題組】30. R. L. Stevenson’s(A) grass hut was built(B) in Samoa but is now in Hawaii and tourists can visit(C) throughout the year(D).

31( ).

【題組】31. In retail marketing, an endcap is a display(A) for a product placing at the end of an aisle(B). It is perceived(C) to give a brand a competitive advantage. It is often available for lease(D) to a manufacturer in a retail environment.

32( ).


32. Heart disease specialists (A) advocate (B) a diet lowing (C)  in cholesterol (D).  

33( ).

【題組】33. It can be said, with some justification (A), that she is (B)  one of the greatest actress(C) on the English stage (D) today.

34( ).

【題組】34. They went out (A) in sunrise (B) to go bird-watching (C) as they take it as a hobby (D).

35( ).

【題組】35. In a multicultural society, ideas about (A) what is moral and admirable behavior can vary immensely from one (B) ethnic group to the other (C). But the principles that “Character First” espouses may be (D) universal.

36( ).

【題組】36. It is fair to say that learner differences, such as(A) aptitude, style, and strategies, as a sub-area(B) of second language acquisition and applied linguistics(C) more generally, has not excited(D) much theoretical or practical interest in recent years.

37( ).

【題組】37. If (A) the White House is forced to accept an inadequate, trigger-based deal, it should make (B) certain that (C) voters know what (D) was responsible for the sabotage of true and comprehensive health reform.

38( ).

38. A: Come on guys, don’t rub it in. B :____________
(A) Sorry. We don’t want to make you feel bad.
(B)I was hoping you’d ask.
(C) Sorry. I thought you felt itchy.
(D)Sorry. We won’t drop you like a hot potato.

39( ).

39. A: I’m terribly bored at home. B: _____________.
(A)You’re on top of the world.
(B) Get off my case.
(C) It hasn’t really sunk in yet.
(D) Would you like to go for a spin?

40( ).

40. A: Why are you sulking? B: _______________.
(A) Look how low my score is.
(B) Oh, I’m flattered.
(C)Yes, you can say that again.
(D)Well, your words do make sense.

41( ).

41. A: What does she think she is? How can she be so indifferent to me? B: _______________.
(A) She is so different from others.
(B) Calm down. Don’t get excited about such little things.
(C)You bet.
(D)You can count on me.

42( ).

42. A: How could you afford a new car? B: ___________.
(A)I bought it on time.
(B)I’m busted.
(C)I’m cross.
(D)I even waxed it.

43( ).

VI. Reading Comprehension 
        Great white sharks, one of the most feared animals on the planet, are not without their own predators. In the past week, three great white sharks have been killed by orcas off the coast of South Africa and had their livers removed. Prior to this shocking finding, there were no records of killer whales going after great white sharks in this region, though it has been documented elsewhere in a few rare incidents. Orcas are one of the most versatile and fearsome predators in the world, known to eat various types of sharks, seals and whales, but they usually avoid great whites. 
        Orcas are very smart, and have different behaviors for hunting different animals around the world. It is possible that the creatures have now learned to go after killer whales. When turned upside down, many sharks become nearly comatose, and thus easy prey. Samuel Gruber, a researcher at the Bimini Biological Field Station in the Bahamas, said orcas could develop and spread new such hunting tricks. “Their learning abilities are so great, that if one of them happened to” flip over and stun a shark, “and see that sharks freeze up in this state, they could communicate it to the other ones.” (Adapted from Newsweek, May 10, 2017)

【題組】43. Where were the victim found?
(A) in the coldest South Pole
(B) at the coast of South Africa
(C)in the deepest sea of Pacific Ocean
(D) a long the coast of Bahama

44( ).

【題組】44. What are the main characteristics of orcas?
(A) aquatic, huge, and violent
(B) terrestrial, giant, and mild
(C)amphibious, massive, and tender
(D)aerial, enormous, but gentle

45( ).

【題組】45. What can be inferred from the article above?
(A)Sharks,seals, and whales are the natural predators to prey orcas.
(B) It is rare to see orcas to kill sharks.
(C)Orcas frequently hunt great white sharks.
(D)Great white sharks usually go after orcas to look for chances to kill them.

46( ).

【題組】46. How does the orca hunting for food?
(A) They chase only fish before swallowing them.
(B) They go after sharks by making sound to attract them.
(C) They eat only sea weeds as they are vegetarian.
(D)They have different ways for hunting different marine animals.

47( ).

        Coca-Cola was invented over one hundred years ago in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. In May 1886, John Stith Pemberton, a local pharmacist, concocted a caramel-colored syrup in a three-legged brass kettle in his backyard. Whether by design or accident, carbonated water was combined with the new syrup, producing a soft drink that was proclaimed ‘Delicious and Refreshing.’ He first ‘distributed’ the new product by carrying Coca-Cola in a jug down the street to Jacob’s Pharmacy. Pemberton’s partner and bookkeeper, Frank M. Robinson, suggested the name Coca-Cola and penned it in the Spencerian script that is now famous around the world today. 
        Through the world’s largest distribution system, consumers in some 200 countries enjoy products of the Coca-Cola Company (such as Coca-Cola, diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite) at a rate of more than one billion servings each day. One of the reasons for the success of the Coca-Cola Company is the strength of its extensive production and distribution network in local communities around the world. Today Coca-Cola is the most widely available consumer product in the world. Coca-Cola also owes a lot of its success to its catchy and innovative advertising. Since the first slogan ‘Delicious and Refreshing’ came out in 1886, The Coca-Cola Company has introduced such memorable slogans as ‘The Pause that Refreshes,’ ‘Things Go Better With Coke,’ ‘It’s the Real Thing,’ and ‘Coca-Cola enjoy.’ Surveys have shown that, thanks to such effective marketing, Coca-Cola is now the best known and most admired trademark in the world.

【題組】47. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
(A) Coca-Cola is a combination of caramel candy and carbonated water.
(B) Coca-Cola is a combination of caramel-colored syrup and carbonated water.
(C) Coca-Cola is a combination of caramel-colored syrup and tap water.
(D) Coca-Cola was named after the person who created it.

48( ).

【題組】48. According to the passage, The Coca-Cola Company is successful because _________.
(A) it produces so many different drinks.
(B) its name is written in Spencerian script.
(C) its advertising is catchy and creative.
(D) the person who created the drinks was creative.

49( ).

【題組】49. What would be a good title for the passage?
(A) The Importance of Distribution Network
(B) The Importance of Advertising
(C) Why People Feel Thirsty
(D) Coca-Cola—The World’s Favorite Soft Drink

50( ).

【題組】50. What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) The Spencerian script is very popular today.
(B) Coca-Cola is a very successful product.
(C) Coca-Cola is over one hundred years old.
(D) The Coca-Cola Company has used slogans successfully


試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 桃園市國民小學及幼兒園教師聯合甄選:英語(B)#61851-阿摩線上測驗
