(25 秒)
試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107 桃園市國民小學及幼兒園教師聯合甄選:英語(B)#69176
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1. A possible ___ of “home” is “a place of warmth, comfort, and affection.”
(A) connotation
(B) connection
(C) commitment
(D) confidant

2( ).

2. Being forced to apologize when I had done nothing wrong was a ___ task.
(A) demeaning
(B) underutilized
(C) confidential
(D) promising

3( ).

3. The government must do better to ___ hate groups and to heal the deep divisions that exist in the communities.
(A) confine
(B) contradict
(C) condemn
(D) attribute

4( ).

4. A fire on the ship killed a hundred or more passengers; some likely victims are still ___ for.
(A) unaccounted
(B) unbearable
(C) uncalled
(D) uncovered

5( ).

5. The modern age is a permissive one in which things can be said explicitly, but the old tradition of _____ dies hard.
(A) garrulousness
(B) exaggeration
(C) excoriation
(D) euphemism

6( ).

6. The subject and auxiliary are ___ after “so” and “neither/nor” when used to compare two or more items.
(A) double back
(B) inverted
(C) righted
(D) transferred

7( ).

7. It remains unclear whether or not the federal government should ___ the panel’s recommendations.
(A) accompany
(B) complement
(C) implement
(D) supplement

8( ).

8. While input should ___ output, there are strong arguments for making sure that learners are given the chance to produce language.
(A) precede
(B) impinge
(C) ensue
(D) supervene

9( ).

9. The curriculum committee is charged with the task of overseeing the general ___ of curriculum development.
(A) inertia
(B) lethargy
(C) momentum
(D) thrust

10( ).

10. The collective energies of the teachers are ___ to improve the courses they teach.
(A) dispersed
(B) marshaled
(C) muddled
(D) tangled Ⅱ. Grammar

11( ).

11. We lost the game, ___ the fact that we practiced all week.
(A) because
(B) in case
(C) in spite of
(D) though

12( ).

12. He was the one ___ taught me everything patiently.
(A) who
(B) whom
(C) whose
(D) which

13( ).

13. ___ in an environment of rural poverty, Jerry Lee Lewis displayed a talent for music from an early age.
(A) Rear him up
(B) Reared up
(C) Rearing up
(D) He was reared up

14( ).

14. I would ___ out because the weather doesn’t look so good.
(A) not rather to go
(B) rather not going
(C) rather not go
(D) rather not to go

15( ).

15. The mistake would not have been made if the authors ___ more careful.
(A) are
(B) had been
(C) were
(D) would have been

16( ).

16. A:Jimmy Fallon is such a great comedian. B: Yeah, his talk show always ___.
(A) lifts me up
(B) cracks me up
(C) holds me up
(D) wakes me up

17( ).

17. A: Could I take next Friday off ? B: ___
(A) No, you are busy on the weekend.
(B) I'll go and collect you one.
(C) Yes, you can take off today.
(D) No problem, we will have finished the project by then.

18( ).

18. A: ___ B: No so good. I think I need a new job.
(A) How’s it going?
(B) Do you have a good boss?
(C) Are you qualified for this job?
(D) What’s the problem?

19( ).

19. A: It’s nice to meet you. B: ___
(A) You too!
(B) Thank you!
(C) Me too!
(D) We too!

20( ).

20. A: You have just started here, haven't you? B: ___
(A) No, I ended last night.
(B) No, I haven't started yet.
(C) Yes, this is my first week.
(D) Yes, I have started.

21( ).

Echolocating bats 21 sounds in patterns—characteristic of each species—that contain both frequency-modulated (FM) and constant-frequency (CF) signals. The broadband FM signals and the narrowband CF signals travel out to a target, reflect from it and return to the hunting bat. In this process of 22 and reflection, the sounds are changed and the changes in the echoes enable the bat to perceive features of the target. The FM signals report information about target characteristics that modify the timing and the fine frequency structure, or spectrum, of echoes—for example, the target’s size, shape, texture, surface, structure, and direction in space. Because of their narrow bandwidth, CF signals portray only the target’s presence and, 23 some bat species, its motion 24 the bat’s. 25 changes in the CF echo’s frequency, bats of some species correct in flight for the direction and velocity of their moving prey.
(A) break out
(B) emit
(C) remit
(D) burst into

22( ).

(A) transference
(B) transition
(C) transaction
(D) transmission

23( ).

(A) with regard to
(B) in case of
(C) in the case of
(D) regardless of

24( ).

(A) relative to
(B) far away from
(C) contrary to
(D) contradictory to

25( ).

(A) As
(B) Responding to
(C) Similar to
(D) In contrast to

26( ).

The vast over-consumption of fish in the oceans has long been known. With new technologies 26 , it is bringing to light the true extent of the damage we are afflicting. 27 and environmentalists have long been aware that the rate at which we are 28 fish from our oceans is unsustainable. As an example, we watched the 29 of the Canadian cod fisheries in 1992, which to this day has rendered the Atlantic cod a vulnerable 30 .
(A) emerge
(B) emerged
(C) emergence
(D) emerging

27( ).

(A) Researches
(B) Research
(C) Researchers
(D) Researcher

28( ).

(A) extracting
(B) contracting
(C) tracking
(D) tracing

29( ).

(A) collaboration
(B) collapse
(C) eclipse
(D) corruption

30( ).

(A) families
(B) classes
(C) specie
(D) species

31( ).

31. The school principle is often at work late in the evening.(Error Recognition) 

(A)The school
(C)at work
(D)late in the evening

32( ).

32. Education is not merely a means for earning a living and rather an instrument for broading your horizons.(Error Recognition)
(A)not merely
(B)a means
(C)and rather
(D)broading your horizons

33( ).

33. It is important to keep in mind that all memory aids depend on the creation of a peg, or mental picture, in which to hang something we want to recollect.(Error Recognition)
(A)to keep
(B)depend on
(C)in which
(D)we want to recollect

34( ).

34. Because of their effectiveness, easy to produce, and lack of side effects, herbal medicines have become more commonly accepted in recent years.(Error Recognition)
(B)easy to produce
(C)herbal medicines
(D)more commonly

35( ).

35. Theodore Roosevelt, along with thousands of American troops, were present at the battle of San Juan Hill.(Error Recognition)
(D) were

36( ).

36. The expansion of international tourism has resulted largely from affordable air travel, which encouraging people to  holiday abroad.(Error Recognition)
(A)of international
(B)resulted largely

37( ).

37. Not just by overeating, but through lack of exercise, people become overweight. (Error Recognition)
(D)people become

38( ).

38. As our country becomes increasingly international, it is even important than ever for us to connect around our shared humanity.(Error Recognition)
(C)even important

39( ).

39. In 1930, three pediatricians worked at the Hospital for Sick Children developed Pablum—the first precooked cereal for babies, packed with vitamins and minerals.(Error Recognition)
(A)In 1930
(C)the first
(D)vitamins and minerals

40( ).

40. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent which people apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit.(Error Recognition)
(A)The measure
(B)lies in
(D)social values

41( ).

Ⅵ. Reading Comprehension A commonly held view about the Germans is that they are ruthlessly rational, and this assumption is best understood through the following joke. An English couple have a child. After the birth, medical tests reveal that the child is normal, apart from the fact that it is German. This, however, should not be a problem. There is nothing to worry about. As the child grows older, it dresses in lederhosen and has a pudding bowl haircut, but all its basic functions develop normally. It can walk, eat, sleep and so on, but for some reason the German child never speaks. The concerned parents take it to the doctor, who reassures them that as the German child is perfectly developed in all other areas, there is nothing to worry about and that he is sure the speech faculty will eventually blossom. Years pass. The German child enters its teens, and still it is not speaking. The German child's mother is especially distressed by this. One day she makes the German child, who is now 17 years old and still silent, a bowl of tomato soup, and takes it through to him in the parlour where he is listening to a wind-up gramophone record player. Soon, the German child appears in the kitchen and suddenly declares, "Mother, this soup is a little tepid." The German child's mother is astonished. "All these years," she exclaims, "we assumed you could not speak. And yet all along it appears you could. Why? Why did you never say anything before?" "Because, mother," answers the German child, "up until now, everything has been satisfactory."
【題組】41. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) A Real Story about a German Child
(B) A Funny Tale about an English Couple
(C) A German Story about a Distressed Mother
(D) A Joke about Germans’ Rational Way of Thinking

42( ).

【題組】42. What’s wrong with the German child?
(A) The German child never speaks to anyone.
(B) The German child never speaks English.
(C) The German child never speaks German.
(D) The German child only speaks to the doctor.

43( ).

【題組】43. What does “the parlour” mean?
(A) The music room
(B) The bedroom
(C) The balcony
(D) The living room

44( ).

【題組】44. Why does the child dress in lederhosen and have a pudding bowl haircut?
(A) It is a typical German style.
(B) He is getting more mature.
(C) The style is normal for older kids.
(D) The lederhosen and the haircut provide basic functions.

45( ).

【題組】45. Why did the German Child never say anything before?
(A) He has never had tepid soup.
(B) He has lived comfortably and felt no need to.
(C) Nothing has been satisfactory until now.
(D) Medical tests reveal that the child is unhealthy.

46( ).

In past centuries, many of those who had a fluent command of two, three of even more languages (or dialects) were largely illiterate in the sense of having difficulty in reading and writing texts printed on paper. By contrast, the bi- or multilingualism which the modern world demands through education at school requires not only an oral-aural proficiency in two or more languages, but also bi- or multi-literacy involving the new technologies. Computers and the internet have created many new types of everyday language-use involving reading and writing, often in combination with static and moving visuals and sounds of many different sorts. Literacy is therefore not just the capacity to read traditionally printed text and write letters, essays and articles on paper by hand or machine. It is now much more multi-faceted and has become a major core skill in instant communication within networks stretching across the world.
【題組】46. According to the author, what is the reason that literacy has become a core skill in communication nowadays?
(A) Many new types of language use involve reading and writing.
(B) Schools education requires literacy in languages.
(C) Those who are illiterate cannot survive in the modern world.
(D) People need to be able to communicate within networks.

47( ).

【題組】47. Based on the information in this passage, which of the following statements would most likely be considered true?
(A) Language learners should use a wide range of visual symbols.
(B) Literacy should be developed in a child’s first language.
(C) New types of communication involve static and moving visuals and sounds.
(D) It is useful to consider the notion of critical literacy.

48( ).

【題組】48. Which of the following statements would the author most likely agree with?
(A) People need to be literate in new technologies.
(B) Literacy is multi-faceted.
(C) Learning through English helps individuals with their career.
(D) Teachers should construct a language development strategy for learners.

49( ).

【題組】49. Based on this passage, it can be inferred that ___
(A) Computer literacy should be required at schools.
(B) Great care should be taken with the application of first language literacy.
(C) Linguistic skills are useful in learners’ education.
(D) An oral-aural proficiency in a language is not the same as literacy.

50( ).

【題組】50. What would be the best title of this passage?
(A) Multiple literacy
(B) Internet communication
(C) Multi-faceted language use
(D) Capacity of reading


試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107 桃園市國民小學及幼兒園教師聯合甄選:英語(B)#69176-阿摩線上測驗
