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試卷測驗 - 103 年 - 103 臺北市公立國民小學教師聯合甄選初試_基礎類科知能:英文#16514
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25 Shakespeare wrote Hamlet, ______________ classic tragedy of revenge.
(A) a
(B) but a
(C) it is a
(D) of which is


26 Susan ______________ her mother at all.
(A) does not resemble
(B) is not resemble with
(C) is not alike
(D) looks not similar as


27 Jude is talking in his normal British accent, not the flat Canadian accent ______________ earlier.
(A) he used
(B) he is using
(C) to be used
(D) than he used


28 Christine is quite familiar with Muslim culture. She _____________ those countries, which are still mysterious to foreigners.
(A) must go to
(B) must have been to
(C) must have gone to
(D) should have been to


29 Peter did not go to school ______________ a high fever.
(A) was due to
(B) owing
(C) because
(D) because of


30 William always ______________ his old friends when he gets back to Kaohsiung.
(A) makes contact
(B) makes contact to
(C) contacts with
(D) contacts


31 Dietary fiber has the general effect of adding bulk, slowing down eating, and satisfying the _____________.
(A) weight
(B) supply
(C) health
(D) appetite


32 A man ______________ a journalist threatened to reveal details about David’s private life.
(A) claimed he was
(B) claimed to be
(C) claiming to be
(D) was claiming to be


33 Some neurologists say that sleeping in a room that is too bright can possibly confuse the brain, which is supposed to take a rest but is given the clue to stay awake. According to the sentence, what kind of room should we stay in while we take a rest?
(A) a bright room
(B) a dark room
(C) a cold room
(D) a warm room


34 Street dances are always improvisational and social in nature. They are marked by the contact between the spectators and dancers. What is the feature of street dances?
(A) indifferent
(B) sympathetic
(C) interactive
(D) interdisciplinary


35 A 27-year-old Alaskan girl went on a trip to the frozen North in which she _____________ the blizzards, the mountains, and the temperatures that dropped to sixty degrees below zero Celsius.
(A) battled
(B) suspended
(C) compromised
(D) disturbed


36 Pure mercury can be mined. Most often it is found in rust-colored rocks. To move out the mercury, the rocks are crushed and heated, while the vapor is caught and cooled until it becomes a silvery liquid. How can we take the mercury from the rocks?
(A) by hand
(B) by heat
(C) by silver
(D) by liquid


37 Dr. McKenzie has spent the past four years catching snowflakes, putting them under a microscope, and taking pictures. He is interested in snowflakes because they are so complicated that scientists do not comprehend them thoroughly. Why is Dr. McKenzie interested in snowflakes?
(A) Studying snowflakes is not time-consuming.
(B) Snowflakes are beautiful and crystal clear.
(C) Scientists do not fully understand them.
(D) Dr. McKenzie would like to study something that can be examined under a microscope.


38 McDonald’s is recalling all Shrek glasses it sold recently. The paint on the glasses contains cadmium, which could cause long-term health effects for people who drink from the glasses. It would take much cadmium to hurt someone—far more than just a few drinks—but the company wants to take no chances. According to the passage, McDonald’s Shrek glasses .
(A) were sold out
(B) could make people sick
(C) were not involved in the recent recall
(D) were used by people who had long-term health problems


39 In immersion classes, students learn subjects in the target language through a variety of techniques. The techniques differ from traditional methods, which emphasize mostly vocabulary and grammar and often fail to produce proficiency. Which of the following statements is correct about immersion classes?
(A) Immersion classes use a variety of traditional teaching methods.
(B) Students in immersion classes learn difficult vocabulary and grammar.
(C) Students in immersion classes fail to master the target language.
(D) Teachers in immersion classes use the target language to teach other subjects.


40 Horror movies often show superbugs spreading around the world and killing people. The World Health Organization has said this might soon become a reality. The medicines that we used to keep away diseases no longer work. Bugs have transformed and have become resistant to antibiotics and other drugs. The WHO said that it was not a regional problem and believed that it was happening in poor and developing as well as rich and developed countries. This passage is mainly about .
(A) superbugs that medicine cannot kill
(B) horror movies that describe a scary future of human beings
(C) the WHO’s mission to kill superbugs in the world
(D) the antibiotics and the drugs that can kill superbugs


41 Students in New York City are not allowed to bring cell phones to schools, but students in one neighborhood have come up with a solution. They leave their phones at shops near their schools for a day. For a small fee—usually fifty cents to a dollar—they can drop their phones off in the morning and pick them up after school. The shop owners make a small profit from the storage fees, and also benefit from increased sales of food and drinks when the students pick up their phones at the end of the day. According to the passage, shopkeepers store phones for students because they .
(A) want the extra business the phones bring in
(B) can sell each phone for a small fee
(C) care about the students in the neighborhood
(D) provide food and drinks to students who lost their phones


42 China, Japan, South Korea, the United States, and the rest of the world are worried about North Korea. It has been threatening to attack the US and South Korea with bombs. No one can be sure if North Korea will do it. However, threatening other countries is very normal for North Korea. It usually gets attention and gets better deals with South Korea and the US by this way. So, most people think that North Korea is just playing the same game that it always does. The last sentence of the paragraph implies that most people think North Korea .
(A) is going to bomb others
(B) will not get South Korea’s attention
(C) is not going to attack other countries
(D) fails to get attention by threatening the US and South Korea


試卷測驗 - 103 年 - 103 臺北市公立國民小學教師聯合甄選初試_基礎類科知能:英文#16514-阿摩線上測驗
