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The ___ locomotive was invented by Stevenson.
(A) optional
(B) obvious
(C) oral
(D) original


34 The congressman’s first public speech was _________ . The day after his speech, tens of thousands of people gathered in the capital to protest against his racist remarks.
(A) monotonous
(B) controversial
(C) plain
(D) protective


6 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But eating only an apple a day for three months _______ takes you to the doctor.


I don’t want to _____ you, but there is a phone call waiting for you at the front desk.
(A) attract
(B) distract
(C) subtract
(D) extract


Jack fell down while playing tennis and ______his ankle very badly.


40 Anna had a fight with her boss yesterday, and that’s _____ .
(A) why did her boss fire her
(B) why she quit the job
(C) how was she fired by her boss
(D) when did she decide to quit


32 It is commonly believed that _______ is more important than product. The way to achieve the goal is considered of greater importance than the outcome.


8 Diplomats should be ____ about their remarks to avoid misunderstandings.
(A) wealthy
(B) eloquent
(C) cautious
(D) ultimate


26 Any goods that need to be either imported or exported will have to get the permission from the government and obtain a _____for imports/exports.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 
One of the hidden glories of Victorian engineering is proper drains. Isolating a city’s effluent and shipping it away in underground sewers has probably saved more lives than any medical procedure except vaccination. But out of sight is out of mind. And that, together with the inherent yuckiness of the subject, means that many old sewers have been neglected and are in dire need of repair. If that repair does not come in time, the result is noxious and potentially hazardous. All this neglect, though, makes it hard to know where best to apply the sticking-plasters. So Mark Hernandez of the University of Colorado, Boulder, and his team have been looking for an easily measurable signal that something is about to go wrong. 
A candidate, Dr. Hernandez suspected, is hydrogen sulphide. This is one of the gases that make sewage stink. Though not itself damaging to a pipe’s fabric, it can be converted by certain species of bacteria into sulphuric acid. Pretty well all sewage smells of hydrogen sulphide, though, so for it to be a useful telltale you need to know just how much is a sign of trouble. Dr. Hernandez and his colleagues therefore collected samples from 36 sewers in various states of decay and started looking. 
One of their interests was in the mixture of bacteria found in pipes in different states of repair. Rather than culturing these, a process to which not all species are amenable, they ran them through a mass DNA screening that shows up everything in a sample. They also measured the acidity of the sewage soaked into the pipe wall near where the sample was collected and recorded the concentrations in the air there of hydrogen sulphide, methane and carbon dioxide.

【題組】43 What did Dr. Hernandez and his team look for to detect signs of trouble in sewers ?
(B) hydrogen sulphide  
(C)carbon dioxide 
(D) hydrogen dioxide 


34.In order to cope with the fast-changing fashion, clothes companies have to     design new products to attract their customers.
(A) paradoxically
(B) universally
(C) occasionally
(D) continually


請依下文回答第 8 題至第 12 題 
        When a bee returns from a more distant food source, she does what is called the Schwanzeltanz or the waggle dance. She wags her abdomen as she runs straight a short distance while making a rasping sound with her wings.She makes turns that create a figure-eight design. The movements of the dance indicate to the other bees in the hive where they must fly to find the food. Karl von Frisch was the first to decode the dances of the honeybees. As early as the 1940s, he found that honeybees can communicate the direction, distance, and quality of a food source to members of their hive through elaborate dances. Scientists have also discovered that the bees produce a hive-specific pheromone that they leave at the source of the nectar, helping to direct the other bees to the site. A pheromone is a chemical that is secreted by one individual and acts from a distance on another individual to alter that individual’s behavior. The scout bee also brings back the scent of the nectar itself, which further aids the other bees in locating the food source. So there are several indicators of where the food is located: the “dance,” the pheromone, and the odor of the food.

【題組】 9 What information about food can NOT be communicated through the “waggle dance?”
(A)The direction
(B)The quantity
(C)The distance
(D)The quality


13 Heroin, morphine, opium, cocaine, cannabis, amphetamine, etc. prescribed in the “Act for the Control of Narcotics” and their derivatives and products are called________articles, and shall not be imported.


135. That little girl likes to ______ her Barbie doll while sleeping, for it gives her a sense of security.
(A) cudgel
(B) cuddle
(C) thrive
(D) decorate


257. The____ between a hero and a coward is that the latter always avoids his or her responsibilities.
(A) suggestion
(B) combination
(C) consideration
(D) distinction


451. Celebrating its 10th anniversary, this week the city museum is open to visitors for free, requiring no _____ fee.
(A) submission
(B) admission
(C) transmission
(D) commission


741. It is said that the ______ of the human brain to learn is greater than any individual person’s will to learn.
(A) compression
(B) capacity
(C) archivist
(D) database


32 Jack’s family were frightened by the ________ of the earthquake and decided to stay at the park overnight.
(B)  intensity 
(C) limitation 


請依下文回答第 6 題至第 10 題In 2010, a South Korean couple was _6_ the murder of their daughter through neglect. When their daughter was born, she weighed 2.9 kilograms. Three months later, when she _7_ , she weighed 2.4 kilograms. The strangest part was that the parents were playing a game for many hours each day in which they raised a _8_ child online. Similarly, in 2014, a young South Korean man who spent much of his time in Internet Cafés was arrested after his two-year-old son starved to death. South Korea has seen exponential growth in computer and Internet use. This has caused many to worry that certain users are _9_ unable to control how much time they spend on the Internet. They fear an epidemic of addiction to video game. South Korea is not _10_ : many other developed countries have also experienced huge growth in video games and Internet addiction.
【題組】 7
(A) broke down
(B) ran out
(C) passed away
(D) started over


請依下文回答第14題至第18題 5da415e2c4c84.jpg

【題組】15 What does “normative cheating” in the first paragraph mean?
(A)Cheating by normal people.
(B)Cheating by breaking the rules.
(C)Cheating that is easily noticed by the opponents.
(D)Cheating that creates an advantage within the rules.


By most standards, Austin Jia holds an enviable position. A rising sophomore at Duke, Mr. Jia attends one of the top universities in the country, setting him up for success. 

With his high G.P.A., nearly perfect SAT score and activities — debate team, tennis captain and state orchestra — Mr. Jia believes he should have had a fair shot at Harvard, Princeton, Columbia and the University of Pennsylvania. However, those Ivy League colleges rejected him after he applied in the fall of 2015. 

It was particularly disturbing, Mr. Jia said, when classmates with lower scores than his — but who were not Asian-American, like him — were admitted to those Ivy League institutions. 

“My gut reaction was that I was super disillusioned by how the whole system was set up,” Mr. Jia, said. 

Students like Mr. Jia are now the subject of a lawsuit accusing Harvard of discriminating against Asian-Americans in admissions by imposing a penalty for their high achievement and giving preferences to other racial minorities.

【題組】42 How does Mr. Jia feel about the student-recruiting process of these Ivy League colleges?
(A)A bit disappointed.
(B)Greatly satisfied.
(C)Somewhat satisfied.
(D)Totally disappointed.


37 New luggage _____ methods can identify liquid explosives and help track down the dangerous substances in the airport.
(A) acquisition
(B) calculation
(C) inspection
(D) stagnation


19 The Tau tribespeople in Lanyu build traditional homes _____ to protect them from seasonal typhoons. Their most typical houses are all semi-submerged.
(A) forward
(B) nowhere
(C) straight
(D) underground


37 Technology changes fast. People who don’t use a smartphone often can easily feel _____ by the new technology.
(A) backed up
(B) left behind
(C) kicked off
(D) carried away


37 Ketogenic diets can ______ seizures, which is why they have been used for decades to treat epilepsy in children.
(A) prescribe
(B) prevent
(C) presume
(D) precede


