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8.She cheated people out of their money time after time and can be called a ________ through and through.
(A) swindler
(B) defendant
(C) cohort
(D) heroine


9.Jane’s childhood was overshadowed by her mother’s __________ in a woman’s prison.
(A) importation
(B) incarceration
(C) inadmissibility
(D) indictment


11-15 題 段落填空 The police engage in too many high-speed chases, many of which are unnecessary. A(n) ___11___ is more ___12___ to occur when people drive too fast. Officers should ___13___ the severity of a suspect’s violation before a pursuit. ___14___ criminals should not be chased if it poses a ___15___ to others.
(A) reasoning
(B) reckless
(C) likely
(D) appropriate


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: Don't be alarmed if fellow passengers start stripping off after boarding a metro train in Taipei. Chances are they think they've found a swimming pool inside 41 . To celebrate being the host city of Universiade 2017--the Olympics for international university athletes--the Taiwanese capital has transformed a six-car train into six different sports 42 --a running track, a soccer pitch, a baseball field, a basketball pitch, a field for throwing sports and a swimming pool. And the eye-popping 3D artworks have inspired 43 commuters to dive in. "We hope to bring sports 44 to their daily life," says a spokesperson for the city's Department of Information and Tourism. It is a fun 45 to raise awareness about sport in general among Taiwanese and get the public to get involved in the games.
(A) few
(B) a few
(C) little
(D) a little


10 Optimists are more likely to see good and bad events occurring in their lives as being _____ rather than permanent.
(A) enduring
(B) pessimistic
(C) temporary
(D) vigorous


26 Amanda Johnson, _____ , grows beautiful roses in her front yard.
(A) my next-door neighbor
(B) has been my next-door neighbor
(C) is my next-door neighbor
(D) who my next-door neighbor is


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 
        Do you DIY, upcycle or craft? If so, come get free materials from the Spokane City Center this Saturday on April 22. Let's celebrate the Earth Day by saving things from going to the dump! 
        If your sewing machine never gets tucked away, your toolbox, glue and scissors are always ready for the next project, or you're just looking for some creative inspiration, we have you all covered. 
        We have collected expired and unwanted material samples for reuse and creative upcycling by educators, artists,DIY-ers, and crafters. Some of the things you might find include fabric, carpet, wall covering, wood, tile, stone, glass,rubber, and much more. Crafting with children is always fun, so there will be free activities for the kids too, such as bead crafts, clay modeling, collage, etc. Come join us! 
        The event goes from 9 am to 2 pm at FloForm, 5320 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane, WA. 
        NOTE: If you want first dibs, you've got to register by 5 pm this Wednesday to get in the door 30 minutes early. It's free, so what are you waiting for? Don't forget, the event is also BYOB — bring your own bag or box to carry your finds home.

【題組】43 Which of the following is NOT likely to be available for people to take away in this activity?
(A) scissors
(B) glass
(C) carpet
(D) tiles


28 When the police arrest someone, they must obtain a _____ issued by a judge.
(A) warning
(B) warrant
(C) guarantee
(D) rejection


6. Mary was convicted of drug offences and was ________ to her own country.
(A) retaliated
(B) deported
(C) departed
(D) eradicated


13. Generally speaking, every hospital ambulance is equipped with one or two ________ .
(A) coroners
(B) inmates
(C) paramedics
(D) inspectors


      Mickey Mouse, the official mascot of The Walt Disney Company, is one of the most recognizable cartoon characters in the world. Yet, few people know that it was created as a replacement for Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, an earlier cartoon character created by the Disney studio for Charles Mintz of Universal Studios. In the spring of 1928, with the series going strong, Disney asked Mintz for an increase in the budget. But Mintz instead demanded that Walt take a 20 percent budget cut, and as leverage, he reminded Disney that Universal owned the character, and revealed that he had already signed most of Disney's current employees to his new contract. Mintz owned Oswald and thought he had Disney over a barrel. Angrily, Disney refused the deal and returned to produce the final Oswald cartoons he contractually owed Mintz. Disney was dismayed at the betrayal by his staff, but determined to restart from scratch.
      The new Disney Studio soon started. In the spring of 1928, Disney asked Ub Iwerks to start drawing up new character ideas. Iwerks tried sketches of various animals, such as dogs and cats, but none of these appealed to Disney. A female cow and male horse were also rejected. Then, Walt Disney thought of an old pet mouse he used to have on his farm. He asked Iwerks to draw a new mouse character for Disney. “Mortimer Mouse” had been Disney's original name for the character before his wife, Lillian, convinced him to change it, and ultimately Mickey Mouse came to be. Actor Mickey Rooney has claimed that, during his Mickey McGuire days, he met cartoonist Walt Disney at the Warner Brothers studio, and that Disney was inspired to name Mickey Mouse after him.

【題組】40. Which of the following is true about the creation of Mickey Mouse as a cartoon character?
(A) Disney's wife convinced him to replace other animals with a mouse character.
(B) The idea of a mouse character came from Disney's old pet mouse on his farm.
(C) Iwerks had drawn many other animals before a mouse character occurred to him.
(D) Disney was inspired by actor Mickey Rooney, who he met at the Warner Brothers Studio.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
      A 70-foot-tall tree fell near a children’s museum in Pasadena on Tuesday, injuring eight children, authorities said. The injured children were 6 to 8 years old,   41    the Pasadena Fire Department. A search-and-rescue team, firefighters and police officers cut and tore limbs from the tree to search for   42   victims. Officials from the city’s public works and forestry department were chopping up the tree Tuesday evening as they worked to   43   out why the tree fell. Jennifer Marcus, a Pasadena resident, said that with the drought, “you see a decline of these old trees. You start worrying about something like this happening.” While sending prayers to the family and promising a   44   investigation, city spokesman William Boyer said there was no   45    between the drought and the tree falling. “An independent arborist will come out to look at the tree,” he said. “There is no tie between the drought and the fall of the tree. Right now we just don’t know the cause.”

(A) due to
(B) thanks to
(C) owing to
(D) according to


(A) trapped
(B) trapping
(C) liberated
(D) liberating


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
     Alzheimer’s disease attacks the brain. It slowly takes away a person’s abilities to think, to move or to take care of himself. In the beginning, a person cannot   46    things as he used to. Then that person finds it difficult to talk. Finally he feels   47   about where he is, what time it is or who the people around him are. 
    Alzheimer’s usually does not   48    in people before the age of 40, although the youngest person ever discovered to have Alzheimer’s was 27 years old. If a person has begun to have difficulties remembering, thinking or talking, he should see a   49    right away. There are about 4.8 million Americans who have this terrible sickness.
     Alzheimer’s not only attacks the patient but also the patient’s family. They have to   50    the pain of seeing the one they love live with this problem. It is also very difficult for them to take care of the person who has Alzheimer’s. Scientists are working hard to find a cure for Alzheimer’s, but it is difficult because it affects the brain. It may be a long time before there is a cure.

(A) bear
(B) tear
(C) care
(D) dare


48 Being married in one state but ______that valid marriage denied in another is one of the most perplexing and distressing complications in the law of domestic relations.
(A) having
(B) being have
(C) have
(D) had


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
Words like stoical, practical and pragmatic are just a few words that could be applied to describe the stereotypical Spaniards. The word “superstitious” usually is not on the list. However, once a year in the run-up to Christmas, it seems that their rationality goes out the window and many people change their patterns of behavior radically for just a few weeks. To understand why, we first need to understand “the fat one.” “The fat one” refers to the 205-year-old Spanish Christmas Lottery, “El Gordo,” which is the biggest lottery in the world in terms of the total prize money on offer. Its fund structure allows many more winners than other conventional lottery draws. This hugely popular lottery draw first took place in 1812 and has been held on December 22 every year since then, even continuing through the Spanish Civil War and both World Wars. Winning numbers are drawn by children from Madrid's San Ildefonso school, which was originally a home for orphans of civil servants. The pupils deliver the results in a song by picking and singing out a lottery number from one big golden drum, and then its corresponding prize amount from the other drum. On this date, the streets of Spain are silent as everyone watches the broadcast of the El Gordo lottery draw, a love affair which can take over three hours. There are many superstitions about the El Gordo lottery tickets. Some people claim that rubbing your lottery ticket against a pregnant woman’s belly, a bald man’s head or a cat’s back will make it a winner. In the northwestern region of Galicia, lottery players hang their tickets on horseshoes. In other regions, people tuck their ticket next to a figure of the Virgin Mary. Some Spaniards believe that the key to good luck comes in the form of an actual key, so they carry an old iron key in their pocket with the lottery ticket.

【題組】46 What is this passage mainly about?
(A) Different types of Christmas lotteries in Spain.
(B) Different ways to purchase the Spanish lottery.
(C) The long history of the Spanish lottery system.
(D) The introduction and superstitions of the El Gordo lottery.


12 It is a pity the T-shirt of my size is out of ________ now.
(A) stork
(B) stick
(C) stock
(D) strike


38 Nowadays both husband and wife have to share ________ chores, such as cooking and cleaning.
(A) democratic
(B) automatic
(C) domestic
(D) dynamic


40 Mother pinched her nose in ________ when she smelled the rotten fish.
(A) disaster
(B) disguise
(C) disgust
(D) discovery


41 The ________ projector is very convenient because it can be used in different rooms.
(A) passive
(B) prompt
(C) partial
(D) portable


請依下文回答第 42 題至第 46 題:
        Because we are living longer than ever, more psychologists and social workers have begun to study ways of caregiving to improve care of the elderly. They have found that all caregivers share a common characteristic: they all feel that they can do the job better than anyone else. Social workers interviewed caregivers to find out why they took on the responsibility of caring for an elderly, dependent relative. They discovered three basic reasons. Many caregivers believed that they had an obligation to help their relatives. Some stated that helping others made them feel more useful. Others hoped that by helping someone now, they would deserve care when they became old and dependent. When people care for an elderly relative, they often do not use available community services, such as adult day-care centers. If the caregivers are adult children, they are more likely to use such services, especially because they often have jobs and other responsibilities. In contrast, a spouse, usually the wife, is much less likely to use support services or to put the dependent person in a nursing home. Social workers discovered that the wife normally tries to take care of her husband herself as long as she can in order not to use up their life savings. Researchers have found that caring for the elderly can be a very positive experience. However, even when caregiving is satisfying, it is hard work. One consideration is to ask parents what they want before they become sick or dependent. Perhaps they prefer going into a nursing home, so they can select one in advance. On the other hand, they may want to live with their adult children. Caregivers must also learn to be assertive and ask for help from others, especially siblings. Brothers and sisters are often willing to help, but they may not know what to do. We can expect to live longer lives than ever before. Caring for the elderly and being taken care of can be a mutually satisfying experience for everyone involved.

【題組】42 According to the passage, what is the shared feature of all caregivers?
(A) They feel they have no way but to accept the job.
(B) They think the elderly will appreciate what they do.
(C) They feel they can do the job without any difficulty.
(D) They believe they can do the job better than anyone else.


【題組】44 According to the passage, why are adult children more likely to use services from adult day-care centers?
(A) Because they often have jobs.
(B) Because they are irresponsible.
(C) Because they want to save money.
(D) Because community services are better.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
        Carol Dweck suggests that most people’s brains can be described as having a fixed or a growth mindset. Someonewith a fixed mindset avoids new challenges __41__ fear of failure, whilst someone with a growth mindset sees newproblems in everyday life as __42__ to be seized and embraced as part of a wider learning experience. Those with a fixed mindset claim that skills and abilities are __43__ , but Dweck argues that most successful people tend to have a growth mindset and an on going desire to learn and develop personally throughout their life. __44__ aware of our resistance to change, it is possible to train ourselves to overcome this resistance and expose ourselves to new activities.Put yourself out of your __45__ and give it a go. You will be surprised at how you will develop new ways of thinking through trial and error and how this will improve your resilience and flexibility.

(A) Not become
(B) Have become
(C) Becoming
(D) Became


請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題:
        The killing of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis and the shooting of Jacob Blake by police in Wisconsin have led many police departments in the US to deal with unpleasant situations they have avoided till now. As thousands have marched in the streets to protest against racial inequality, many others have also been forced to ask some difficult questions about their levels of prejudice. While some people mistake racism as being only plain prejudice, there is another crucial component that affects our decision and actions towards others: implicit bias. An implicit bias is any prejudice that has formed accidentally and without our direct knowledge – and it can often counter our obvious beliefs and behaviors. Usually, it reflects a mixture of personal experience, attitudes around us as we have grown up, and our wilder exposure to society and culture –including the books we read, television we watch and news we follow. Many police departments in the US have pointed to strategies aimed at tackling implicit bias as evidence of their attempts to root out racism from their ranks. Police departments are not alone in hoping tackling unconscious bias can bring about change. Multinational corporations have also commanded implicit bias training in response to racist incidents involving their employees.

【題組】56 Which of the following best describes what the passage is about?
(A) Implicit bias is a crucial component in racism.
(B) Police and corporations tackle racism together.
(C) People mistake racism as accidental prejudice.
(D) The US police have made evidence of tackling bias.


35 Through _________ duties the police perform a number of broad functions, including the prevention and detection of criminal behaviors.
(A) researching
(B) examining
(C) patrol
(D) pretentious


39 The explosives had been _____by the police just before being loaded into the jet.
(A) bombarded
(B) intercepted
(C) ransomed
(D) shoplifted


7. The undercover policeman ______that he saw the politician accept a bribe.
(A) attached
(B) alleged
(C) incited
(D) disclaimed


21. The boat_____ on the rough sea due to the bad weather.
(A) fluctuated
(B) mutated
(C) transmuted
(D) transposed


22. When a maritime accident occurs, Taiwan Coast Guard promptly activates rescue efforts to prevent ____ of the situation.
(A) deterioration
(B) deficiency
(C) distraction
(D) delusion


   (36)   by the French writer Maurice Leblanc in 1905. Arsène Lupin is an elite member of the gang of delightful rogues   (37)   as gentleman thieves. Like Thomas Crown, Danny Ocean, Simon Templar and (to include a gentlewoman ) Selina Kyle, Lupin is elegant and efficient. He prefers disguise and persuasion to   (38)   and is so   (39)   that his victims almost thank him for the honor of   (40)  .

(A) robbed
(B) being robbed
(C) robbing
(D) being robbing


35.Cheating on the exam is absolutely ________. You will fail this course, and your name will be made public on the university website.
(A) unacceptable
(B) unmanageable
(C) forbidden
(D) uncountable
(E) inappropriate


34 The physician told Helen to get bed rest,_____ her feet, and take some medication.
(A) disclose
(B) enrich
(C) elevate
(D) devalue


請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題:
 With the widespread use of smart phones and other mobile devices, more and more people are starting to make money from applications, or apps. Such appreneurs include people of all ages and they can live anywhere __11__ the app business can be run without an office. To get started, the first step is to sign up as a developer with the platform __12__ you are going to create your apps. __13__ to popular belief, an appreneur does not have to be a programmer himself or herself. Today, a lot of people use apps to play games, learn languages, track their health, and meet new friends, to name but a few. They enjoy the __14__ of instantly getting something they find useful. They are willing to rely on apps to make their lives simpler and more productive. This is exactly why the app market is expected to be __15__ even faster in the years to come. Welcome to the age of apps!

(B) declining
(C) accumulating
(D) cooperating


29After Mr. Cooper resigns, Virginia will _______as the department manager.
(A) hunt   for
(B) take   over
(C) turn   off
(D) wrap  up


41India is building massive solar stations, helping to drive a global revolution in__________ energy to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels.

(C) renewable
(D) comprehensible


48Sammy is a(n)__________ boy; he does whatever his mother tells him to do.
(A) decisive
(B) rebellious
(C) obedient
(D) independent


50 The employee became________ after his manager told him that he would be laid off.
(A) vacant
(B) contrary
(C) instant
(D) furious


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
    Shakespeare and Company is an English-language bookshop in Paris. It was opened in 1951 and has been a meeting place for Anglophone writers and readers   41      . Founded by American George Whitman, the bookstore was originally called Le Mistral. In 1964, Whitman renamed his store   42   a bookseller he admired, Sylvia Beach, who’d founded the original Shakespeare and Company in 1919. Through his bookstore, Whitman endeavored to carry on the spirit of Beach’s shop.
    From the first day the store opened, writers, artists, and intellectuals were invited to sleep in the bookstore in various cots that are dotted around the place. These people,   43   as "tumbleweeds," have to promise to read a book a day, help at the shop for a few hours a day, and produce a one-page autobiography. American actor Ethan Hawke is among a(n)   44   30,000 people who have tumbleweeded at the store--he stayed there for six nights when he arrived in Paris at age 16.
    Whitman passed away in 2011, two days before his 98th birthday. Now his daughter, Sylvia Whitman, is following in her father’s footsteps and is dedicated to keeping the spirit of the bookstore   45    . Under her direction, it should remain a center for Parisian literary life for many years to come.

(A) formulated
(B) concluded
(C) estimated
(D) accelerated


49 A person who  _______a minor under the age of twenty to leave his or her family or guardian, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for no more than three years.
(A) counterfeits
(B) forges
(C) inspects
(D) abducts


36 Brain cancer may require _______ medical treatment such as surgery.
(A) aggressive
(B) destructive
(C) abusive
(D) depressive


33 It is often considered rude or even offensive to _______ to get someone’s attention.
(A) advise
(B) lecture
(C) reply
(D) whistle


48 Jaywalking has taken many children’s lives, and so parents are advised to constantly educate their children how to _______a road correctly.
(A) across
(B) pass
(C) over
(D) cross


2. Firefighters not only inspect scenes of fires or accidents to _______ causes, but also to clean up fire scenes by removing debris.
(A) activate
(B) identify
(C) eliminate
(D) witness


24. According to a news report, the man previously sentenced to life in prison for the killing of his girlfriend has been approved for _______ and will be released from prison in two years.
(A) parole
(B) coercion
(C) laundry
(D) testimony


4. Can you tell me when ______ ?
(A) the train leaves
(B) does the train leave
(C) leaves the train
(D) does leave the train


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
       Extreme heat is defined as summertime temperatures that are much hotter and/or humid than average. Heat-related illnesses, 41 heat exhaustion or heat stroke, happen when the body is not able to properly cool itself. In such cases, a person’s body temperature rises faster 42 it can cool itself down. This can cause damage to the brain and 43 vital organs.
       The following are tips for preventing heat-related illnesses:
* Stay Cool Indoors: Stay in an air-conditioned place as much as possible.
* 44 Outdoor Activities Carefully: Try to limit your outdoor activity to 45 it is coolest, like morning and evening hours.
* Know the Signs: Learn the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses and how to treat them.

【題組】 41
(A) as
(B) like
(C) and
(D) but


(A) what
(B) where
(C) which
(D) when


43 The goal of airport security is to safeguard passengers, crew, and staff by _______ for forbidden items and preventing acts of terrorism, hijacking, and other criminal activities that could endanger the safety of air travel.
(A) bribing
(B) pirating
(C) conveying
(D) screening


2. An autopsy is _______in Taiwan when the death is sudden and the cause is unknown or there is reasonable cause to suspect that the deceased died of a violent or unnatural death.
(A) substantial
(B) mandatory
(C) confidential
(D) objective


請依下文回答第 36 題至 40 題
        People around the world expressed shock and outrage over a series of __36__ attacks in Paris which left many dead. The attacks began shortly before lunchtime on January 7th, when a pair of gunmen entered the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and opened fire on everyone they encountered. In a matter of minutes, twelve people were dead and another ten were wounded, five of whom were in serious condition. When the assailants exited the building, they were __37__ by a police officer in the street, whom they also shot to death before fleeing the scene __38__ those killed in the magazine’s offices were some of the nation’s most prominent political cartoonists along with a noted economist.
        It quickly became apparent that the attackers were Islamist __39__ who were angry about a series of cartoons that the magazine had published which criticized the Muslim prophet Mohammed. Charlie Hebdo has had a long history of making fun of prominent political and religious figures and had been threatened and even attacked in the past. The scale and brutality of this attack, however, seemed to take everyone by surprise. After a two-day manhunt, the attackers were eventually surrounded by police and killed in an exchange of gunfire as they tried to escape. A day after the attack on the magazine, a separate gunman, working in __40__ with the other two, shot a policewoman to death before taking a number of people hostage in a supermarket. That attacker was also killed by police, but not before murdering four of his captives.

(A) extremists
(B) humanitarians
(C) moderates
(D) materialists


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