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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(5901~5925)
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40 We cannot say that men’s characters improve in proportion ______________ their knowledge increases, nor can we say the opposite.


Great importance should be ___ to the preservation of the mangrove swamps along some coastal lines of the island.
(A) attracted
(B) attacked
(C) attended
(D) attached


____ unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.


The team ___ waiting for finally arrived.
(A) who had been
(B) whom we had
(C) which were we
(D) we had been


I was granted two days’ sick-leave because I had         headache, running nose, and fever. 

(A) digressive
(B) exotic
(C) excruciating
(D) defective


36 To Tim, the traffic jam was indeed a blessing in ________. He didn’t catch his flight because of the delay, but the plane crashed 20 minutes after takeoff.
(A) appreciation
(B) campaign
(C) disguise
(D) resignation


The authorities concerned investigate banks and brokers          of discriminating against minority applicants who need loans to buy houses.


1 A problem in the older boiling-water reactors would become disastrous because of a _____ safety system that houses the nuclear fuel.
(A) flawed
(B) lacking
(C) scraped
(D) throbbing


12 The contestants of the tug-of-war competition usually have ____ palms.
(A) frantic
(B) brave
(C) coarse
(D) discreet


32 Although the President has been frequently criticized for making politically incorrect remarks, one human quality upon which even his critics agree is his_____ of racism.
(A) indifference
(B) irrelevance
(C) reference
(D) abhorrence


4 Repeating the instruction rules again and again to different groups of new learners is such a______ job that has bored him to death.
(A) tired
(B) tireless
(C) tiresome
(D) tiredly


26 The______ on your head and shoulder seems to be the snowflake decoration is Christmas season.


442. We are all _____ by how much Sarah has changed over these years. She used to be shy and timid, but now she is an active participant in school activities.
(A) concerned
(B) ascended
(C) staggered
(D) gnawed


745. The little boy sighed when he thought how his life was made so wretched ______ a red rose.
(A) in terms of
(B) for want of
(C) regardless of
(D) in spite of


11 至 15 題為題組 Research has proven that weather plays a part in our moods: Warmer temperatures and exposure to sunshine increase positive thinking, whereas cold, rainy days bring anxiety and fatigue. 11 , many people believe that bad weather can reduce productivity and efficiency. There is, however, a significant 12between such beliefs and the actual effect of weather on people’s performance at work. Using empirical data from laboratory experiments 13 observations of a mid-sized Japanese bank in real life, researchers find that weather conditions indeed influence a worker’s focus. When the weather is bad, individuals tend to focus more on their work rather than thinking about activities they could 14outside of work. But photos showing outdoor activities, such as sailing on a sunny day or walking in the woods, can greatly distract workers and thus 15 their productivity. The findings conclude that workers are actually most productive when the weather is lousy—and only if nothing reminds them of good weather.
【題組】 11.
(A) At most
(B) In contrast
(C) Literally
(D) Accordingly


About ninety percent of human beings living on earth rely mostly on their right hands. They use their right hand to write and draw, to hold chopsticks and forks, and ___226___ basketball and computer games. ___227___, the other ten percent prefers to reach out to the world ___228___ their left hand. These left-handers usually ___229___ a lot of difficulties when using tools designed mainly ___230___ right-handers. ___231___, left-handedness was considered strange or even a disease in the past. In fact, left-handed people are not only healthy and natural, but sometimes as ___232___ as da Vinci and Napoleon. Some scientists think left-handedness is due to heredity遺傳, while ___233___ say it results from hormones. No matter what the causes of left-handedness may be, remember to show your ___234___ to left-handers when you meet them. Better yet, you can join many left-handers ___235___ Left-Handers’ Day on August 13 every year! Left-handers will likely be happy to have your support.
(A) face
(B) face with
(C) are faced
(D) faced with


33 After the torrential rain, the air is ______with water vapor.
(A) dismantled
(B) gobbled
(C) humiliated
(D) saturated


10 Russia faces more______ from the European Union over the Ukraine crisis, but the action likely will hurt EU economies.
(A) delinquents
(B) hypocrites
(C) immigrants
(D) sanctions


35 The _____ factor that contributes to having so many immigrants move into this country is mainly about economic reasons.
(A) risk
(B) push
(C) impact
(D) gravity


40. The cathedral tower offers a spectacular _____ of the whole town. It is definitely worth going up all the 375 steps!


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
      Music activates many regions of the brain, including auditory, motor and limbic (associated with
emotions). Such widespread activation of brain explains many beneficial emotional and cognitive music
effects. The idea that music makes you smarter received considerable attention from scientists and the
media. Listening to music or playing an instrument can actually make you learn better. And research
confirms this by showing that music has the power to enhance some kinds of higher brain function:
literacy skill, spatial-temporal reasoning, mathematical abilities (even children with attention
deficit/hyperactivity disorder could benefit in mathematics tests from listening to music beforehand),
emotional intelligence, and recall of autobiographical and episodic information.
      The power of music to affect memory is quite intriguing. Earlier it has been thought that listening to
classical music, particularly Mozart, enhances performance on cognitive tests. However, there are
findings that show that listening to any personally enjoyable music has positive effects on cognition.
Listening to music also facilitates the recall of information. Researchers have shown that certain types of
music are great keys for recalling memories. Information learned while listening to a particular song can
often be recalled simply by “playing” the songs mentally. Musical training has even better effect than
just listening to classical music. Activities, such as playing an instrument or singing, involve both sides
of the brain at the same time. The information being studied activates the left brain while the music
activates the right brain. The simultaneous left and right brain action causes the brain to be more capable of processing information, hence maximizing learning and retention of information. There is clear evidence that children who take music lessons develop a better memory compared with children who have no musical training.
      Moreover, music that is easy to listen to or relaxing classics improves the duration and intensity of
concentration in all age groups and ability levels. It’s not clear what type of music is better, or what kind
of musical structure produces the best results, but many studies have shown significant effects.

【題組】47 According to the passage, which of the following statements about the benefits of music can NOT be inferred?
(A)Music can cure one’s attention deficit or the hyperactivity disorder.
(B)Music can enhance one’s awareness of his/her own and other’s emotions.
(C)Music can improve one’s ability to process and retain numerical information.
(D)Music can enhance one’s command of language use, like reading and writing.


2 A human eye includes a controlling _____ which can increase or reduce the amount of light entering the eye.
(A) panel
(B) detector
(C) organism
(D) mechanism


34 In a democratic country, everyone is ______ to the freedom of speech and expression. This right is protected by the law.
(A) empowered
(B) enabled
(C) endowed
(D) entitled


32 My father’s ______ was apparent as he looked at my report card, and I really wanted to flee.
(A) humility
(B) insolence
(C) meekness
(D) wrath


37 The jury should carefully review the witnesses’ _______ and assess their credibility before they reach a verdict.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(5901~5925)-阿摩線上測驗
