
        From the sharp quills of the porcupine to the poisonous skin of some kinds of frogs, animals rely on a variety of different means for protection. One of the most interesting methods for “disguise” and refers to an animal’s ability to mask itself from the eyes of predators by blending into the surrounding environment. Although the body shapes of a small number of insects do contribute to the camouflage effect, most animals depend on coloration of skin, fur, or feathers to help them “disappear” into the backdrop of their local environments. 
         Various types of birds use camouflage as their primary means of defense. The woodcock, for example, when on the ground, is quite vulnerable to attack. Although woodcocks have strong running legs, they require several seconds to take flight. However, the color of their feathers—brown, black, gray and russet—keeps them from being spotted on the forest floor. The Whip-poor-will uses camouflage in the same manner; it is practically invisible when perched motionless on a branch. 

【題組】19.According to the author, why are woodcocks in danger while on the ground?
(A) They run too slowly.
(B) They can’t see their predators.
(C) They get buried under snow.
(D) They need time to become airborne.

難度: 簡單
Nothingness 小六下 (2017/04/02)

The woodcock, for example, when on the ground, is quite vulnerable to attack. Although woodcocks have strong running legs, they require several seconds to take flight.

The old plane had great difficulty getting airborne (= rising into the air).

        From the sha..-阿摩線上測驗