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    Photographs serve many purposes, and nearly everyone has a camera, but some photographers see deeper and show more than others.  32  artists, they are deeply concerned with form and shape as they touch the human spirit. Dorothea Lange was such a photographer. 
    Dorothea Lange,   33   in 1895, began her career as a commercial photographer. But her finest pictures recorded the suffering of poor people and were taken during the hard years of the American Depression in the 1930s. Her photographs helped to  34  the government into taking action to improve the conditions in which they lived.  35  she made thoughtful photographic studies of the Japanese Americans who were in prison in America during the Second World War, when Japan and America were enemies. She also photographed many other people, both great and  36  . When she died in 1965, her photographs formed part of collections all round the world. 

(A) While
(B) After
(C) Later
(D) As

難度: 困難
ab 大一上 (2017/06/30)

ab 大一上 (2017/06/30)

after 後面加時間


艾蓮 國二下 (2023/03/28)

While (多義詞)

作為連接詞,表示 "雖然"、"然而"、"但是" 的意思,引導對比或轉折的兩個句子。例如: While I appreciate your concern, I don't think you need to worry so much. The party was a lot of fun, while the cleanup was a lot of work. 作為介詞,表示 "在...期間",強調一個時間段內的活動或事件。例如: While I was studying abroad, I learned a lot about different cultures. He listened to music while he was jogging in the park. 作為副詞,表示 "同時",通常與動詞進行搭配使用。例如: She can read while listening to music. He was cooking while talking on the phone.

需要注意的是,當 "while" 用...


    Photographs serve many pur..-阿摩線上測驗