
    Thanks to the rise of digital photography, a slide-show application ( or App ) can make a 36 of photos into a slide show. Slide-show functions are built into the operating system of electronic devices such as iPads and iPhones. The App can time slide shows to 37 to the length of a music track. In addition, you can also select a theme of your slides to 38 your photos against a background. The best part is that the App can 39 slides to your device as a video file for easy sharing. You can also share your slides via e-mail or publish them to YouTube. The main 40 of the App on sharing : you can share your files only with someone who also has the App.
(A) paste
(B) store
(C) match
(D) flush

難度: 簡單
張智皓 小一下 (2016/04/30)

    Thanks to the rise of digi..-阿摩線上測驗