
    The English language has many expressions about the weather。One famous phrase is,“March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." In many western countries early March is a time of cold and windy weather. People compare this wild weather to a wild lion. In contrast,the weather in later March tends to be far milder. People compare this gentle weather with a lamb.

    Another famous phrase says that,“April showers bring May flowers."While the weather in April is often rainy, the phrase reminds people that the rain will bring benefits in the end. Without the rain,the beautiful wild flowers that grow in May would not grow。

    Have you ever heard the phrase, “Red sky at night,shepherd's delight, red sky in the morning, shepherds take warning”? The phrase is actually a surprisingly accurate way of forecasting the weather. When the sky is red at night,it often means good weather Is on the way。As a result,shepherds — farmers who take care of sheep - will be happy. In contrast,a red sky in the morning often means bad weather is on the way. Shepherds and others who work outside should take a red sky in the morning as a serious warning.

【題組】49. Who is most likely to find the third saying useful?
(A) a doctor
(B) a lawyer
(C) an office worker
(D) a construction worker

難度: 非常簡單
Soraya Cheng 國三下 (2017/11/03)

RO IY 高二下 (2022/09/23)

49. 誰最有可能覺得第三句話有用?
(B) 律師
(C) 上班族
(D) 建築工人(√)
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