

 Evaluating job applicants on the basis of embedded life interests is a useful macro approach to matching job candidates with jobs they excel at. People with a life interest in the application of technology    39      how things work and are curious about finding better ways to use technology to solve business problems. People with     40     analysis background excel at running the numbers and see it as the best way to figure out business solutions. Theory and concept people enjoy thinking and talking about abstract ideas. People with a life interest in creative production are imaginative thinkers, comfortable and engaged during brainstorming sessions. Many of them have an interest in the arts and       41       creative industries such as entertainment. Individuals with a life interest in coaching and mentoring like to teach. Many like feeling useful to others; some genuinely take satisfaction from the success of those they counsel. Individuals with a life interest in enterprise control like to be in charge. They are happiest when they have authority over their little piece of universe in decision-making. They ask for as much responsibility as possible in any work situation. Because many people have more than one interest, these classifications of life interests may     42       in an individual. So do not try to pigeonhole individuals too narrowly.

(A)gravitate toward
(B)refrain from
(C)discriminate against
(D)conflict with

難度: 簡單
許武忠 賣點鑽石回饋阿摩 高二下 (2013/09/25)
(A)gravitate toward  被吸引(B)refrain from  避免(.....看完整詳解

 Evaluating job applicants on the b..-阿摩線上測驗