
(一)Kyoto is a city in the central part of the island of Honshu, Japan and a major part of the Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto 【metropolitan area (31)】 with its population close to 1.5 million today. Kyoto is 310 miles away from Tokyo and 31 miles away from Osaka. The Kyoto Basin is surrounded on three sides by mountains. Central Kyoto City is situated mostly on the flat area, with its 【prime (32)】 sightseeing spots 【scattered (33)】 along the base of the mountains. 
     Kyoto’s winters, like its summers, are 【moist (34)】, thus making it feel colder than it really is. There is little snowfall in Kyoto City, while northern Kyoto sees snowfall. There is nothing quite like the 【breathtaking (35)】 sight of Kyoto’s finest temples and shrines under a thin blanket of snow. Be sure to dress warmly in a jacket or an overcoat. However, all major 【facilities (36)】, such as museums, hotels, and department stores use heating, so include these stops in your 【itinerary (37)】 for a break from the cold as needed. Kyoto in winter has a 【unique (38)】, nostalgic feel. But winters here are cold, so you’ll need to make sure you bring the 【proper (39)】 clothing. Good preparation will help you make the most of your trip! If you arrive from Tokyo, you can 【board (40)】 the Shinkansen Nozomi at Tokyo Station. It will go directly to Kyoto Station. We wish you an enjoyable stay in Kyoto.

(A) downtown of a big city
(B) separated cities
(C) business area of a city
(D) area of or relating to a major city

難度: 非常困難

倒數 3天 ,已有 1 則答案
bn3 高三上 (2022/03/08):
(一)京都是日本本州島中部的城市,是大阪-神戶-京都【首都圈(31)】的主要部分,如今人口接近150萬。京都距東京 310 英里,距大阪 31 英里。京都盆地三面環山。京都市中心大部分位於平坦地帶,山腳下的【黃金(32)】觀光景點【散落(33)】。 京都的冬天和夏天一樣,都是【潮濕(34)】,所以感覺比實際更冷。京都市的降雪量很少,而京都北部則有降雪。沒有什麼比在薄薄的雪毯下看到京都最好的寺廟和神社的【令人嘆為觀止的 (35)】景象。一定要穿上夾克或大衣保暖。但是,所有主要的【設施 (36)】,如博物館、酒店和百貨公司都使用暖氣,因此請在您的【行程 (37)】中包括這些站點,以便根據需要來避寒。冬天的京都有一種【獨特(38)】,懷舊的感覺。但是這裡的冬天很冷,所以你需要確保帶上【合適的(39)】衣服。良好的準備將幫助您充分利用您的旅行!如果您從東京抵達,您可以在東京站【搭乘(40)】新幹線Nozomi。直達京都站。祝您在京都度過愉快的時光。

 【題組】31. (A) 大城市的市中心 (B) 分離的城市 (三)城市的營業面積 (D)
area of or relating to a major city主要城市的區域或與主要城市有關的區域

(一)Kyoto is a city in the central part o..-阿摩線上測驗