
(二) Touch Your Toes! Portly Pete is teaching his friends yoga in the park. Pete: The next movement is called big toe pose. (46.) Lucy: I love yoga. It makes me healthy and strong. Tina: Yeah. I’m going to have my mom buy me a yoga DVD. I want to learn more. Skip: I…I can’t do it! (47.) Please, Portly Pete. My back hurts. Let me take a break. Pete: Stand up, everyone. Breathing is important. It helps you focus. Let me show you. Skip: I know how to breathe. I don’t need to have you teach me this. I want to rest. Pete: Now let’s meditate. Everyone, sit down. (48.) Skip: OK! I’m good at sitting down and closing my eyes. Pete: Let’s start practicing again. I…Skip…hey! You’re sleeping! Skip: No, I was meditating. You’re right, Portly Pete. (49.) Pete: Get up, Skip. We’re going to do another movement. Skip: Sorry, Portly Pete. (50.) I think I’ll just keep meditating.
(A) Cross your lags. Close your eyes.
(B) You can’t make me do that.
(C) I can only touch my knees.
(D) Meditating made me much calmer.
(E) Bend over and touch your big toe.


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(二) Touch Your Toes! Portly Pete is tea..-阿摩線上測驗