

(20)The switch on the left side of the right figure is closed, allowing current to flow through the coil wrapped around a ferromagnetic torus. Which of the statements below correctly describes what happens just after the switch is closed?
(A)There is a clockwise increase in flux in the toroid, and no current flowing through the resistor.
(B)There is a clockwise increase in flux in the toroid, and a current flowing through the resistor to the left.
(C)There is a clockwise increase in flux in the toroid, and a current flowing through the resistor to the right.
(D)There is a counterclockwise increase in flux in the toroid, and a current flowing through the resistor to the left.
(E)There is a counterclockwise increase in flux in the toroid, and a current flowing through the resistor to the right.

(20)The switch on the left side of the r..-阿摩線上測驗