【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


Ⅲ.Blank-filling (每格 1 分) 
An outlet based in Teesside, North England, offers its selection of faceless black coverings pressingly under the somewhat overstated slogan “effortlessly elegant”. (16)E such prudishness, leading Muslim designers recently took part in London Fashion Week, a global (17) of threads, to prove that what they called “Modest Fashion” could be as (18) as a bedtime story from a Thousand and One Nights. The organizers avoided the word sexy, since that would be un-Islamic, explained one. But their models wore make-up, nail-polish, and figure-hugging costumes. Some had veils, though these tended to slip from their heads as they (19) to techno beats. Nearby, cosmetics companies (20) alcohol-free perfume and lipsticks free of animal fat, which made the products (21) , though still viewed by some clerics (22) not sharia-compliant for being flirtatious. Islamic fashion could be big business. Worldwide, Muslims spend close to $300bn a year on clothes and shoes, only a bit (23) than America does, though only a fraction goes on fashion. In Western countries, at least, observant Muslim, Jewish or Christian women who want to cover their flesh often mix-and-match from collections which care (24) for modesty. That could change. Earlier this year, Debenhams, a British department store, began (25) an Islamic line. And some more fashion companies have launched collections for Middle Eastern customers. Thus, design has mushroomed.

(A) sleek
(B) running
(C) as
(D) for
(E) defying (AB) halal (AC) strutted (AD) plied (AE) less (BC) little (BD) showcase


難度: 適中
Vivi Chu(增能中~ 大二上 (2020/04/12)
An outlet based in T☆☆☆☆☆☆☆, ...

哈哈哈 高三下 (2017/05/27)

defy (V) 反抗

Mac Liang 高一上 (2017/06/08)

暢貨中心 outlet // 迫在眉睫地 pressingly // prudish 過分拘謹的,裝規矩的

Ⅲ.Blank-filling (每格 1 分) An outlet based..-阿摩線上測驗