
▲ 下篇短文共有 5 個空格,為第 27 - 31 題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該 空格的答案。 Many people celebrate their birthdays with a cake and candles. But, have you ever wondered how the birthday celebration started? According to some historians, putting candles on the cake 27 in Ancient Greece. The Greeks would make moon-shaped cakes to honor Artemis, the goddess of the moon. On top of the cake 28 lit candles representing the glow of the moon. The smoke from the candles was believed to serve the dual purpose of preventing 29 evil spirits, and carrying prayers and wishes to the heavens. Today, birthday cakes with lit candles on top have become a popular way of birthday celebration. The number of candles usually represents the age of the person 30 celebrated. He or she will make wishes including a silent one and then 31 all the candles in one breath. As a modern tradition, the silent wish would not be told to anyone else, or it would never be realized.
(A) be
(B) being
(C) had
(D) has

難度: 適中
學泰語的Anita 研一上 (2019/06/21)
The number of candle☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

鮮蝦食譜 高二上 (2020/02/24)


Brought to the police station, he still believed that he had done nothing wrong.


Being brought to the police station, he thought of his father's advice.



1) 如果Vpp是瞬間動詞,則前面的being可省略。

(Being) hit by a car, he was badly wounded.

2) 如果Vpp是形容詞語意,則前面的being可省略。

(Being) satisfied with the terms and conditi...


▲ 下篇短文共有 5 個空格,為第 27 - 31 題,請依短文文意,選出一個最..-阿摩線上測驗