
▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 44−47 題 In my science and math classes, I always have to memorize lists of things for science and all kinds of math formulas. Since my memory is not that great, I’ve had to learn ways to improve my memory. Maybe you could benefit from some of the tips that I’ve picked up for memorizing things. Or maybe you already do these things anyway. Of course, the first rule of memorizing something is to repeat it in your mind. For example, the first day of class, sometimes the teacher will ask all the students to introduce themselves. I use this class time as a chance to exercise my memory skills. As we go around the room, I try to memorize each student’s name by repeating his or her name to myself. Most of the time, by the end of the class, I’ve memorized everyone’s name. Another trick I have learned for memorizing things is to build on small pieces in order to learn longer things. This idea comes from the fact that a person’s short term memory can only hold eight or nine pieces of information at a time. So those pieces of information in short term memory have to be moved to long term memory by repeating them again and again before more information can go into short term memory.
【題組】46. Based on the passage, how many ways has the author learned to improve his memory?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four

難度: 適中
Pow 大一下 (2019/10/09)
46.【題組】46. Based on ☆☆☆ ...


▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 44−47 題 In my science and m..-阿摩線上測驗