
  The United States in the sixties contains an affluent society within its borders. Millions and tens of millions enjoy the highest standard of life the world has ever known. This blessing is mixed. It is built upon a peculiarly   6   economy, one that often proliferates pseudo-needs rather than satisfying human needs. For some, it has resulted in a sense of spiritual emptiness, of alienation. Yet a man would be a fool to prefer hunger to   7   , and the material gains at least open up the possibility of a rich and full existence.
  At the same time, the United States contains an underdeveloped nation, a culture of poverty. Its inhabitants do not suffer the extreme privation of the peasants of Asia or the tribesmen of Africa, yet the mechanism of the misery is   8   . They are beyond history, beyond progress, sunk in a paralyzing, maiming routine.
  The new nations,   9   , have one advantage: poverty is so general and so extreme that it is the passion of the entire society to obliterate it. Every resource, every policy, is measured by its effect on the lowest and most   10   . There is a gigantic mobilization of the spirit of the society: aspiration becomes a national purpose that penetrates to every village and motivates a historic transformation.

(A) distorted
(B) prosperous
(C) burgeoning
(D) multilateral

難度: 非常困難
go for it 高一上 (2014/04/22)
(A) distorted  扭曲(B) prosperous  繁榮(.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
金榜題名 大二上 (2019/09/28)

This blessing is mixed. It is built upon a peculiarly distorted  economy, one that often proliferates pseudo-needs rather than satisfying human needs.

忘記背後,努力面前 高三下 (2021/09/12)

The United States in the sixties contains掌控 an affluent富裕的 society within its borders. Millions and tens of millions enjoy the highest standard of life the world has ever known迄今所知. This blessing is mixed. It is built upon a peculiarly 6  distorted扭曲的  economy, one that often proliferates暴增 pseudo-needs不實需求 rather than satisfying human needs. For some, it has resulted in a sense of spiritual emptiness空虛, of alienation寂寞. Yet a man would be a fool to prefer hunger選擇飢餓 to 7satiety飽足, and the material gains物質利益 at least open up the possibility of a rich and f...


  The United States in the sixties conta..-阿摩線上測驗