
【題組】 第一篇: Since MacArthur and Wilson published their theory about how island species become extinct, people have become used to “facts” such as the extinction of as many as 100,000 species per year. People worry that we are 【21】 the world’s natural resources and the Earth will no longer be able to support all the people on it. A popular advertisement talks about the plants in the Amazon region. It says these plants may contain a new cure for a disease, and they may be lost if the area is not 【22】. But exactly how many species die each year? Do we believe “facts” about high numbers because they seem like they are correct or because we have actually 【23】 them? Predictions of animal, bird, insect and plant extinctions are 【24】 the idea that when one plant or animal disappears, many others follow. If, for example, a plant is lost because we build a city or a road where there was once a jungle, the insect that 【25】 the plant also dies. Then the bird that eats the insect dies and so on. All in all, the world is becoming a worse place as we destroy our natural resource.
(A) based on
(B) according to
(C) depend on
(D) rely of

難度: 適中

倒數 2天 ,已有 1 則答案
Pow 大一下 (2019/12/19):

Predictions of animal, bird, insect and plant extinctions are 【24】the idea that when one plant or animal disappears, many others follow.
(A) based on 基於,改編自,以…為基礎,以…為根據    
(B) according to 根據, 按照;取決於
(C) depend on 確信; 堅信; 信賴;(能)相信某人/某事物可靠
(D) rely of ==>無此用法


【題組】 第一篇: Since MacArthur and Wilson p..-阿摩線上測驗