

請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:
Drinking culture exists in almost every country around the world because alcohol consumption has become anintegral part of socializing in many cultures. However, since different countries have their own beliefs andpractices about drinking alcohol, it is better to heed to those different traditions and customs in order not to getyourself embarrassed or even in trouble while you are in a different land. Different countries, for instance, dohave their own drinking etiquette, times, places and regulations. In the UK, almost everyone knows that youwill be discriminated if you don’t buy your round before leaving a pub or bar. In the Czech Republic, it is wiseto place your beermat on top of your drinking cup to indicate that you’re finished with your drinking. Or yourempty cup will get filling up even if you don’t want to drink any more. In Germany, always keep your eyecontacts with people you’re having a toast with. If you don’t, you’ll be condemned with having seven yearsof bad luck. In Japan, however, you should avoid offending your colleagues, especially those who are yourseniors, by averting your head from them.
Drinking times also vary in different cultures. People in the UK, Iceland, and the Czech Republic tend to drinkafter the midday, in the evening or even after the midnight in the case of Iceland, whereas it is customable forpeople in Spain, France, Russia, and Germany to drink during lunch. The German even drink on Sundaymornings known as Frühschoppen. It is a drinking gathering for family members after their Sunday morningchurch service. Drinking regulations also diverge in many countries. Rules about where to purchase andconsume alcohol as well as the proper drinking age do differ from nation to nation. In Germany as in somecountries, it is allowed to drink in public places while in Russia, people can only consume alcohol in bars,restaurants and their homes. In Iceland and other countries, you are unable to buy alcohol from supermarketsand other grocery stores as it is rigorously supervised. Apart from purchasing it in bars and restaurants, peoplecan only obtain it from government-run vinbudin. The so-called “dry” countries in the world are referred tothose nations that treat drinking as entirely illegal. It is worthy of note that in countries like the Kingdom ofBrunei, Saudi Arabia, and parts of the UAE and India, people can sometimes get punished for drinking alcohol.

【題組】18 Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?
(A) Intense.
(B) Frustrated.
(C) Arrogant.
(D) Outspoken.

難度: 計算中

倒數 9時 ,已有 1 則答案
K (2024/09/16):
Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?(本文的語氣最接近下列哪一個?)

(A) Intense.(強烈的)
(B) Frustrated.(沮喪的)
(C) Arrogant.(傲慢的)
(D) Outspoken.(直言不諱的)
答案:(D) Outspoken.

詳解: 本文以直截了當的方式描述了不同國家的飲酒文化,並且提出了一些需要注意的地方,語氣屬於直率的表達,最接近「直言不諱的」。

請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:Drinking culture exi..-阿摩線上測驗