【問卷-英文學習功能需求】只要填寫就能獲得500Y,結束時間 2024/06/03 12:00。 前往查看


       In the rapidly evolving world of technology, video calls have become an integral part of daily communication. This surge in usage has brought about unique psychological and technological responses, particularly concerning how we perceive ourselves onscreen. Nancy Mitford, an English novelist, biographer, and journalist, once observed that people who look at themselves in every reflection often do so not from vanity but due to a sense of imperfection. __26__ Such alterations can lead even the least vain among us to find it hard to look away from our own digital reflection.
      The adoption of video conferencing platforms like Zoom has skyrocketed from 10 million daily users in 2019 to about 300 million today, necessitating new forms of etiquette and interaction. However, the inherent distortions in video calls, caused by camera angles and quality, often make us appear different from how we see ourselves in the mirror. __27__ These improvements range from "digital makeup" options to filters that adjust lighting and smooth skin, aiming to alleviate discomfort and improve the user experience. 
      Despite these technological aids, the response from users has been mixed. Some appreciate the enhancements, seeing them as a boost to confidence during virtual interactions. Others, on the other hand, question the intention of prioritizing appearance over functional improvements in the platforms. __28__ Such dichotomy highlights a broader debate about the role of aesthetics in professional tools. __29__ This phenomenon, known as "Zoom dysmorphia," has led to an increase in people seeking cosmetic procedures, as they come to fixate on perceived flaws magnified by video calls. The distortion of facial features by small camera lenses and close-up angles can exacerbate feelings of dissatisfaction, as noted by a Bay Area cosmetic nurse who reported a rise in clients bringing screenshots from video meetings to discuss cosmetic adjustments. 
    While technological advancements in video conferencing continue to improve our virtual interaction experience, they also bring forth significant psychological and ethical considerations. The balance between enhancing user experience and fostering an acceptance of natural appearance remains delicate. __30__ Features such as the ability to toggle off self-view might help minimize distractions caused by our own images. As it seems, the journey of adapting to and optimizing these digital communication tools is ongoing, reflecting broader societal shifts in the perception of self-image in the digital age. 
(AB) This disparity has led companies such as Microsoft, Google, and Zoom to implement features that subtly enhance appearances on video calls. 
(AC) The subtle changes to our onscreen appearances also raise questions about the psychological impact of prolonged exposure to altered self-images.
(AD) This resonates closely with the frequent self-monitoring observed during video calls, which subtly distort our images. 
(AE) They argue that while these features might enhance visual appeal, they could perpetuate unrealistic standards of beauty. 
(BC) PCs and laptops tend to have small camera lenses and record users relatively close up, which distorts appearances. 
(BD) As video conferencing becomes more embedded in our daily lives, exploring less intrusive options could prove beneficial in improving focus and reducing self-consciousness.

【題組】29.(AB) This disparity has led companies such as Microsoft, Google, and Zoom to implement features that subtly enhance appearances on video calls. (AC) The subtle changes to our onscreen appearances also raise questions about the psychological impact of prolonged exposure to altered self-images. (AD) This resonates closely with the frequent self-monitoring observed during video calls, which subtly distort our images. (AE) They argue that while these features might enhance visual appeal, they could perpetuate unrealistic standards of beauty. (BC) PCs and laptops tend to have small camera lenses and record users relatively close up, which distorts appearances. (BD) As video conferencing becomes more embedded in our daily lives, exploring less intrusive options could prove beneficial in improving focus and reducing self-consciousness.

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       In the rapidly evolving world of ..-阿摩線上測驗