【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


         The scene is familiar enough, but this painting goes too far. The girl is treating her bird as if it were an ancient hero laid out on a bier. She has concocted an animal version of classical soldier’s death, something out of Hommer or Racine. She has very poetically draped the bird’s cage with ivy, and artfully arranged its dead body so that the head droops pitifully over the edge. (It makes the bird look like an opera singer who has just been stabbed.) Even the girl’s gesture is theatrical, the kind of histrionic pose children tend to pick up from their parents. 
        She does seem to be suffering, but her sadness is modeled on melodrama. Perhaps she has been reading too many romantic poems. (If she were a contemporary girl, we would say she had been reading her older sister’s Mills and Boon paperbacks or Harlequin romances.) It’s easy to picture the solemn ceremony that will follow: she will dress in full morning, and take the dead bird out to some poetic solitary place under a weeping willow.

【題組】40. Which of the following will be the best title for the reading?
(A) Dead Poets
(B) False tears over a dead bird
(C) A romantic story of a girl who loves reading
(D) A romantic girl who loves birds

難度: 困難

倒數 1天 ,已有 1 則答案
YA!112以榜首之姿上岸 大四下 (2024/05/27):
這個場景夠熟悉,但這幅畫卻太過分了。女孩對待她的鳥就好像它是躺在棺材上的古代英雄一樣。她炮製了一個動物版的經典士兵之死,這是霍默或拉辛的作品。她非常詩意地用常春藤覆蓋了鳥籠,並巧妙地安排了它的屍體,使其頭可憐兮兮地垂在邊緣。 (這讓這隻鳥看起來像一個剛被刺傷的歌劇演員。)即使是女孩的姿勢也是戲劇性的,孩子們往往會從父母那裡學到這種做作的姿勢。
 她看起來確實很痛苦,但她的悲傷卻是戲劇性的。也許她讀了太多浪漫的詩篇。 (如果她是當代女孩,我們會說她一直在讀她姐姐的米爾斯和布恩的平裝書或丑角浪漫史。)很容易想像接下來將舉行的莊嚴儀式:她將在整個早上穿好衣服,並帶走死鳥到垂柳下某個詩意的僻靜地方。
(A) 死去的詩人
(B) 為一隻死鳥流下虛假的眼淚
(C) 一個愛讀書的女孩的浪漫故事
(D) 愛鳥的浪漫女孩

         The scene is familiar enough, b..-阿摩線上測驗