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My name is Mickey Mouse. I live in a place 41 Disneyland. My father’s name is Walt Disney. He was a famous cartoonist. A cartoonist is a person who 42 cartoon characters like me. I was born about eighty years ago in a movie studio in Hollywood, California. I first appeared in a cartoon 43 1928. The name of the cartoon was “Steamboat Willie.” At first I appeared in cartoons with Minnie Mouse. Soon my friends Donald Duck and Goofy joined me. In addition to 44 in cartoons, I also work at Disneyland. There I stand around and smile a lot. I also pose for pictures with visitors. I enjoy my job a lot because I make children all over the world 45 .
【題組】 45. 
(A) happily
(B) happiness
(C) happiest 
(D) happy

難度: 簡單

倒數 3天 ,已有 1 則答案
Pow 大一下 (2020/01/08):

I enjoy my job a lot because I make children all over the world 45 .
45.【題組】 45.
(A) happily adv.幸福地,快樂地;幸運地,幸好
(B) happiness n.幸福,快樂,愉快;幸運
(C) happiest==>happy的形容詞最高級
(D) happy adj.快樂的,幸福的,愉快的,恰當的
考使役動詞 make 用法:
1.公式:make + 受詞 + 形容詞 ==> (使 ... 變得 ... )
a).The movie always makes me sad.電影總是讓我傷心。
b).Don’t make the problem worse than it is. (別把問題弄得比現在更糟)
3.依公式可知 make + 受詞 + 形容詞make後面要加形容詞,故(A)adv (B)n 錯、(C)為形容詞最高級也不符題意,所以選 (D) happy
==> I make children all over the world happy.


My name is Mickey Mouse. I live in a pla..-阿摩線上測驗