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請依下文回答第 9 題至第 13 題: 
Most writers find it difficult to find a subject to write on. A method frequently used to gather ideas is brainstorming. The method has been used for many years in business. You get a group of people around a table, and they try to solve a problem. The people simply start talking and 9 to each other, then ideas come out in the process. Brainstorming is particularly valuable to the writer 10 it offers a technique for getting suggestions and leads for a subject. Most of us brainstorm 11 . You start with something—anything—and with a pencil and paper you talk to yourself. At first you write down whatever comes to mind. But after a few phrases appear, you gently apply pressure and shape some of the material as it 12 . Only when the ideas tend to get 13 should you come to a conclusion that may provide a subject. This may not be your final subject, but at least it is a beginning.

(A) because
(B) unless
(C) whereas
(D) though

難度: 簡單
yanzih(已上榜) 高二上 (2017/05/27)
Brainstorming is par☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

110年消特-已上榜 大一下 (2021/03/26)

大多數作者發現很難找到要寫的主題。 經常用於收集想法的方法是集思廣益。 該方法已經在商業中使用了很多年。 您會在桌子周圍找到一群人,他們試圖解決問題。 人們簡單地開始交談並彼此交流9,然後在此過程中產生想法。 頭腦風暴對作家10尤其有價值,它提供了一種獲取主題建議和線索的技術。 我們大多數人腦力激盪11。 您從任何東西開始,然後以鉛筆和紙自言自語。 首先,您記下所想到的一切。 但是,在出現幾句話之後,您就輕輕地施加壓力,使某些材料成形12。 只有當這些想法趨於13時,您才能得出可以提供主題的結論。 這可能不是您的最終主題,但至少是一個開始。

請依下文回答第 9 題至第 13 題: Most writers fi..-阿摩線上測驗