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請回答第 14 題至第 16 題: Of all the proposals aimed at improving America’s failing schools, there’s one idea kids will really like: more video games and fewer books. At least a number of educators hope so, arguing that children would get more 14_______ about school and that video games can present real-life problems to solve. Nobody is talking about putting 15_______ video games into classrooms, particularly those which may encourage aggressive behavior. 16_______ , educators such as Indiana University professor Sasha Barab are developing alternative video games that can teach as well as entertain. For instance, in one game designed by Barab, the player assumes the role of an investigator seeking to find out why fish are dying in a virtual park.
(A) educational
(B) funny
(C) ordinary
(D) violent

難度: 簡單
a135337 高一上 (2016/05/04)
(A) educational 教育的
(B) funny 有趣的
(C) ordinary 平凡的
(D) violent 極端的、凶暴的
sean147123 (2019/11/08)

Nobody is talking about putting 15_______ video games into classrooms, particularly those which may encourage aggressive behavior.


請回答第 14 題至第 16 題: Of all the proposals..-阿摩線上測驗