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        Many people do not smoke and do not like smoking. These nonsmokers are very _46_ about the bad effects on people’s health from smoking. They have helped _47_ laws to restrict smoking in public places. Nonsmokers believe that the smoke from other people can also hurt them. This is true. Scientists also believe that “second-hand smoke,” the smoke that nonsmokers breathe in from smokers, is very _48_. Because of this, many restaurants and offices in the United States and Canada limit the places where people can smoke. Many airlines and hotels do not _49_ smoking at all. Things are changing. People want to stay healthy and live better lives. 
        It is not easy to quit smoking, but it is the smartest thing to do. If you quit smoking, your chance of getting lung cancer decreases within one year after you stop. After ten years, the chance is _50_ the same as for nonsmokers. It is possible to quit smoking. You can start leading a healthier and better life today if you make the decision to stop smoking now. Good luck!

(A) pass
(B) passes
(C) passed
(D) passing

難度: 困難
Neiwei Sun 高一上 (2011/07/18)
“勞謙君子,有終吉” 研一下 (2018/05/12)


白皮果【2015】 大四上 (2018/08/03)

They have helped  pass laws to restrict smoking in public places. 

help可以當使役動詞,在 [a person + help another person ]的後面, 要用原型動詞或是不定詞,不能用Ving的形式

For example:

Lee is helping Dee carry the monkey.

Lee is helping Dee to carry the monkey.

Lee is helping Dee carrying the monkey.(錯誤)

相信成功,堅持到底。 大一下 (2023/10/09)
They have helped  pass laws to restrict smoking in public places.
他們幫助通過 ,限制在公共場所吸煙的法律。

(A) pass
(B) passes
(C) passed
(D) passing

restrict [rɪˋstrɪkt] 限制;限定;約束
pass (
過去式:passed 過去分詞:passed

        Many people do not smoke and do ..-阿摩線上測驗