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Many people agree that a dog is more faithful than most other animals—even more faithful than many people. There are many stories about how a dog helps people in their daily lives. A well-trained dog, _____21_____ , may bring the newspaper to his owner, or he may take the garbage out. A seeing eye dog can _____22_____ the way for a blind person, or he may bark for help when his owner is in danger. Many doctors say that _____23_____ can make an old, weak, and sad person become more active. An active dog always brings joy and _____24_____ to a lonely person, who does not have any friends or relatives _____25_____ . With the help and love of a faithful dog, the dog owner sometimes becomes more independent.

難度: 非常簡單
一去不復返 大四上 (2018/02/20)



Many people agree that a dog is more fai..-阿摩線上測驗