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Can the United States government still keep a secret? In an age of WikiLeaks, flash drives and instant Web postings, leaks have begun to seem __21__. That may be a first impression. Sobered officials are scrambling to stop the __22__ of documents, even as anti-secrecy __23__ are discovering that some secrets may be worth protecting after all. __24__, there’s been a change. Traditional journalism, which has long accepted leaked information bit by bit, has been joined by a new counterculture of information vigilantism that promises disclosures by the terabyte. That account for how the usual __25__ of leaks became a torrent.
(A) leukemia
(B) diabetes
(C) perspiration
(D) hemorrhage

難度: 適中
Iris Lee 高一上 (2012/07/21)
  • leukemia (n.) 白血病
  • diabetes (n.) 糖尿病
  • perspiration (n.) 出汗、賣力
  • hemorrhage (n.) 出血

Can the United States government still k..-阿摩線上測驗