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I love to travel, and I travel a lot. I have stayed in many _____26_____ kinds of hotels in many different countries. I have learned that the biggest and the most beautiful hotels are not always the best ones! Last year I stayed at a beautiful hotel in the Philippines. It is a very popular hotel. I had to make _____27_____ weeks in advance. It had many _____28_____ —a big swimming pool, a spa, and a delicious free breakfast. I loved this hotel—until someone stole some of my clothes from my room! I also once stayed at an inn in Kenting, Taiwan. The rooms were tiny! _____29_____ the owner was so friendly. She made me feel _____30_____ from the time I checked in until I left. Her kindness was much better than a free breakfast or a big swimming pool!
(A) disadvantages
(B) features
(C) weaknesses
(D) defects

難度: 非常簡單
朱予萱 大一上 (2018/03/07)
A) disadvantage 損失 (n.) B) feature 特色 (n.) C) weakness 弱點 (n.) D) defect 缺點 (n.)

I love to travel, and I travel a lot. I ..-阿摩線上測驗