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21-30題為題組 Basically, there are two kinds of sleep. One is Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. In (21) , the brain waves of a sleeping person are similar to those of a waking person, and the eyes move about rapidly under the closed lids. (22) kind of sleep is Non-Rapid Eye Movement sleep. Scientists have discovered that dreams happen mainly in REM sleep. Everyone dreams about 20 percent of their sleeping time. (23) people who say they never dream show about 20 percent of REM sleep. (24) these “non-dreamers” do their sleeping in a laboratory (25) researchers can wake them up and ask them whether they were having dreams the moment before, it (26) that they dream as much as others. Events in daily life sometimes occur symbolically in dreams. (27) , a boy is having difficulties on the school playground because a bigger boy keeps bullying him. He may dream at night of being alone in the playground, (28) a lion. At other times the dreaded event from daily life simply occurs in a dream in its real-life form; (29) , the boy dreams of being bullied by the bigger boy. (30) scientific research, we have known more about the relationship between sleep and dreams. However, why a dream will take a certain symbolic form is still a mystery.
(A) Due to
(B) As far as
(C) In spite of
(D) Consisting of

難度: 簡單
echowang0815 國一上 (2015/01/14)
這題須選Due to...因為句子前後有因果關係.

21-30題為題組 Basically, there are two kind..-阿摩線上測驗