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You may have noticed thermography (thermal imaging technology) is being offered to women as a breast cancer screening option. Breast thermography uses infra-red imaging to detect changes in skin temperature, and produce “heat pictures” of the breast. The 31 is that skin overlying a breast tumor will be warmer than that of surrounding areas. When it comes to thermography, breast screening experts and radiologists advise women to be 32 . “Thermography has been promoted for many years in newspapers and online, 33 it very hard for women to know what is an evidence-based and effective screening test,” says Dr. Liz Wylie, medical director of BreastScreen in Australia. Dr. Wylie considers thermography a “remarkably poor” way of looking for breast cancer. “It has been extensively evaluated and found to be unable to 34 60 percent of significant breast lesions,” she says. Research shows that a tumor has to be large—several centimeters in diameter—before it can be detected by thermography. Screening mammograms, 35 , can detect breast cancers of a much smaller size, catching it in the early stages.
(A) to make
(B) making
(C) makes
(D) made

難度: 非常簡單
100** 高三上 (2017/08/14)
[文法] 需要注意的是整句話的主詞如果是...


You may have noticed thermography (therm..-阿摩線上測驗