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Special Offer Questions 33 - 36 Buy 12 monthly copies of Excellent Car magazine and receive a pair of sunglasses at no additional cost! All you have to do is— 1. Go to our Web site: www.excellentcar.com. 2. Click on “free sunglasses” and fill out the form. 3. Make an online payment of $21.95. This is a limited offer. Form and payment must be received no later than August 15. This offer is not available to customers outside of North America. Canadians please add $3.00 for mailing fee.
【題組】34. How can people get the sunglasses?
(A) To attend a competition on a web site
(B) To draw lots on a web site
(C) To pay the magazines on a web site
(D) To buy the sunglasses on a web site

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Special Offer Questions 33 - 36 ..-阿摩線上測驗