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In Taiwan, setting off sky lanterns is now considered a custom at Lantern Festival. The custom came from the Han people 31 wanted to send a peaceful message to their families and friends. 32 the first Han people came to Taiwan, they didn’t get along with the aborigines. They had many 33 over the land. The aborigines accused the Han people 34 stealing their land. So, they fought with each other and some people died. Later some Han people began to learn to live with the aborigines. They even moved up to the mountains and 35 a village there. Every year when those Han people living in the mountains wanted to send messages to their families and friends living on the plains, they set off sky lanterns.
(A) forms
(B) to form
(C) forming
(D) formed

難度: 非常簡單
Hex Bah 幼兒園下 (2018/02/22)


In Taiwan, setting off sky lanterns is n..-阿摩線上測驗