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Advertising has gradually taught most of us to adopt a questioning attitude about what we view on television commercials. We take it for granted that a product is probably not as good as the manufacturers claim, and ____36____ the detergent does not take out every dirty spot immediately without a lot of hard work. And you know you will never become a star tennis player just by ____37____ a certain kind of tennis shoes. The shoes may, ____38____ , turn out to be a well-made brand that will improve the quality of your tennis game. In any case, sensible people question the information they receive from ____39____ and do not assume it is accurate. They ____40____ that advertising agencies do not actually make soap powder or baked beans or motor cars. Instead, they are hired by manufacturers to write and present advertisements based on the psychology of consumers to make the products more appealing.

(A) through
(B) thorough
(C) though
(D) although

難度: 適中
業精於勤,事立於豫 研一下 (2017/09/04)
And you know you wil☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

情傷牛奶瓶 (2020/07/15)

The shoes may, though , turn out to be a well-made brand that will improve the quality of your tennis game. 


csr830504 大一下 (2023/12/15)
(A) through 穿過 通過 經手 經歷 一段時間
  (B) thorough 仔細的 完全
  (C) though  雖然(even though) 但  其實

(D) although 雖然  但  
although 的中文意思是「雖然、儘管」,為英文中常用到的連接詞,用來連接兩個句子。
句型:Although + S + V, S + V

The shoes may, ____38____ , turn out to be a well-made brand that will improve the quality of your tennis game.

  【字彙區別:through, tough, thorough, thought, though 】   31_20e3.png through (透過;利用):by; using → We sold the bike through advertising in the local paper. (我們透過在地方報紙上登廣告賣掉了腳踏...

第二篇:Advertising has gradually taught mos..-阿摩線上測驗