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     A birthday is usually a happy occasion, but at one point in history,it was considered the most dangerous time in a person’s life. Early people believed that both good and bad spirits appeared when a baby was born and then followed the person around throughout his or her life. People had to be wary on their birthday because it was during this time of change that the bad spirits were able to do the most damage.    To protect themselves against the bad spirits, people wouldsurround themselves with friends and relatives on their birthday. The birthday person would throw a party to frighten away the bad spirits before they could get close enough to do any harm. Gifts were alsoimportant because they were thought to help the work of the goodspirits and bring good luck to the person having the birthday.    Birthday cakes also evolved from age-old superstitions. One custom called for common objects to be baked in the cake. When the cake was cut at the party, each person finding an object in his or her piece of cake would learn what the future held. Finding a coin, for example, meant wealth; a button predicted poverty; a ring indicatedmarriage; and a thimble foretold a single life, that is, the personwould never get married.   

【題組】39. The spirits appearing when someone was born ___________.
(A) stayed forever
(B) left on the person’s birthday
(C) came back only on his or her birthday
(D) came back at the birthday party

難度: 簡單

倒數 2天 ,已有 2 則答案
LYDIA W 高二下 (2019/04/15):




Early people believed that both good and bad spirits appeared when a baby was born and then followed the person around throughout his or her life.




(A) 永遠留著

(B) 在那人的生日離開

(C) 只在那人的生日回來

(D) 在生日派對回來


售試教和口試模板 IG:i 研一上 (2021/06/10):

Early people believed that both good and bad spirits appeared when a baby was born and then followed the person around throughout his or her life. 

A) stayed forever


     A birthday is usually a happy occas..-阿摩線上測驗