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More than any other region, Asia is the place where the family-business model reigns supreme. In 2004, the magazine FinanceAsia calculated that _____41_____ controlled 40 of the region’s 100 largest listed companies, while states controlled 38, and just 22 were widely held corporations per the norm in New York or London. Yet while this _____42_____ has underpinnings both culturally and historically, Asia isn’t that different from the rest of the world—just _____43_____ in its economic takeoff. The 19th- century empires built by. U.S. industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were largely dissolved in the 20th, and the same fate appears to _____44_____ many of Asia’s postwar tycoons in the 21st. _____45_____ a Chinese axiom holds, “Wealth does not span three generations.” This pattern will hold because of all the pressure on family rule.
(A) late
(B) lately
(C) later
(D) latest

難度: 困難
李薇 小一上 (2015/10/17)
此時的late與later語意相同 為可能的答案later是late的比較級但因這裡前後文可得知,與其他國家相比(rest .....觀看完整全文,請先登入
業精於勤,事立於豫 研一下 (2017/05/11)

☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ __42__ ☆☆☆...

Liz 大一上 (2017/10/25)

Asia isn’t that different from the rest of the world—just _____43_____ in its economic takeoff. 

Zeng Alison 幼兒園下 (2022/10/21)
依照前一句Asia isn’t that different from the rest of the world邏輯推算,此空格為比較級最適合。其他就如同大大所說的一樣。

More than any other region, Asia is the ..-阿摩線上測驗