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In our busy modern world, doctors do not always take the time to explain illness and possible remedies to their patients. Doctors may even not give any scientific details in words that are easy to _____41_____ , either. For this reason, many hopeful people _____42_____ advantage of Internet resources to find the facts they need for good medical decisions. On the subject of physical and medical research, there are thousands of amazing websites _____43_____ people can get information. Some people believe that the great amount of medical information _____44_____ on the Internet can improve their health, while others claim that these facts and opinions may be inaccurate and therefore dangerous. Indeed, to find out the best ways to _____45_____ difficult health problems, we may still need to seek advice from doctors.

難度: 非常簡單

In our busy modern world, doctors do not..-阿摩線上測驗