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        Valentine’s Day is the most romantic day of the year. People often give flowers, chocolates and they send Valentine’s cards as well. Lots of people take their loved one for a romantic meal, to the theater, or even on a special Valentine holiday! But until recently message-writing was always the most important Valentine’s tradition. Good love is always about good communication. Today, many people think that Valentine’s Day is too easy and too commercial. Card shops sell Valentine cards every year, and people spend a lot of money on chocolates and sweets! Sending a text message by mobile phone is even easier! But really romantic people can always find unusual and personal ways to say “I love you” on this special day.
【題組】48 Why do some people think that Valentine’s Day is too commercial?
(A)People send messages to each other.
(B)People have to buy mobile phones.
(C)People spend too much on Valentine gifts.
(D)People talk too much on Valentine’s Day.

難度: 非常簡單
茉茉·貝莉雅·戴比路克(已 大三下 (2015/11/27)
commercial 商業化;商業的為何有些人覺得情人節太過商業化?(A)人們互相傳訊.....看完整詳解
“勞謙君子,有終吉” 研一下 (2018/05/12)


        Valentine’s Day is the most roma..-阿摩線上測驗