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    Her life seemed perfect to many people. Diana Spencer was born in 1961 to wealthy
parents in Sandringham, England. She grew up with money, education, and love and in 
1981 she did what many little girls dream about. She married a prince. By 1984, Diana hadtwo beautiful sons, William and Harry. How could life be more perfect? 
    But Diana’s life wasn’t perfect. She was terribly unhappy in her marriage to Prince 
Charles. In 1992 they separated, and in 1996 they divorced. But people in Britain and all 
over the world still loved Diana and respected her for the work she did to help people in poorcountries. The press still followed her everywhere and reported everything she did, in both 
her public and private lives. 
    And it seems that this adoring, sometimes critical, but always invasive press was at 
least partly responsible for Princess Diana’s death on August 31, 1997. Diana and Dodi al Fayed, who was reported to be her fiancé, were killed in a car crash in Paris while trying to escape a group of paparazzi. The princess’ death left many people wondering about just 
how far reporters should be allowed to go to get a story. Is a good story or photograph 
worth risking someone’s life? 

【題組】48 How did Diana Spencer die?
(A) She committed suicide.
(B) She died in a car crash.
(C) She died from illness.
(D) She was murdered.

難度: 非常簡單
唐唐 大三上 (2018/03/21)
阿林 大四下 (2020/01/06)





☆○奕軍●★ 研一上 (2022/04/15)

    Her life seemed perfect to..-阿摩線上測驗