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四、閱讀測驗 Many people think of dirt as being, well, dirty! Parents often tell their children not to play in dirt. And there are good reasons to be wary. Soil often contains bacteria, parasites and pollutants that can make people sick. With so many risks, it is no surprise that many people find geophagy—literally the eating of earth or soil—unappetizing. Yet, geophagy is actually a relatively common practice in many parts of the world. The fact that the eating of soil is also widespread in the animal kingdom suggests that geophagy may even be a natural process. Why dirt? Some soils are surprisingly rich in minerals and nutrients such as iron and copper. People can often get more of these nutrients from geophagy than from taking vitamin supplements. This is why geophagists often claim to like the “sour taste” of dirt and to have cravings for it. It also explains why geophagy is often most common among pregnant women and nursing mothers. In some cases, soil can make dangerous foods safe to consume. People have long known that certain poisonous wild acorns and potatoes become edible when mixed with soil. Sometimes, soil is even taken as medicine! Many stomach medications contain the clay Kaolin because it absorbs bacteria and toxins that cause diarrhea. Unfortunately, geophagy is also practiced to avoid hunger pains when other food is not enough. In poor countries, food can become so expensive that people substitute soil for flour or rice. This is a serious social problem because even mineral-rich soils can’t provide a balanced diet.
【題組】48. What nutrient(s) are soils rich in so people can benefit by eating them?
(A) Copper.
(B) Bacteria.
(C) Parasites.
(D) Pollutants.

難度: 簡單
千千 國三下 (2014/09/06)
A)銅 B)細菌C.....看完整詳解
千千 國三下 (2014/09/06)


四、閱讀測驗 Many people think of dirt as be..-阿摩線上測驗