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  A scorpion and a frog met at the side of a river. The scorpion wanted to cross the river, but he didn’t know how to swim.
   “Please, Mr. Frog,” he said, “would you carry me across the river?”
   “I can’t do that,” said the frog. “You are a scorpion, and you will sting me.”
   “No,” said the scorpion. “I won’t sting you because then we will both drown in the river.”
   This made sense to the frog, and he agreed to help him.
   The scorpion climbed onto the back of the frog, and the frog began to swim. When they reached the middle of the river, the scorpion stung the frog. It hurt the frog very much, and they both began to sink under the water.
   “Why did you sting me?” asked the frog. “Now I will die, and you will surely drown.”
   “I couldn’t help it,” said the scorpion. “I am a scorpion, and that is what scorpions do. And you knew I was a scorpion when you let me ride on your back.”

【題組】48The moral of the story is ______
(A)“Like father, like son.”
(B)“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
(C)“A leopard never changes its spots.”
(D)“Where there is a will, there is a way.”

難度: 非常簡單
Mickey Tsai 高三上 (2012/07/27)
( a )「有其父必有其子」 ( b )「★★ ...

彭旻 大三下 (2019/05/09)

Where there is a will, there is a way.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.


人定勝天要堅持-忍- 研二下 (2019/12/12)
相信成功,堅持到底。 大一下 (2023/10/12)
The moral of the story is  “A leopard never changes its spots.”  這故事的寓意是 "豹紋永不改變"(江山易改,本性難移)。

(A) “Like father, like son.” (B) “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” (C) “A leopard never changes its spots.” (D) “Where there is a will, there is a way.”
   (A) "有其父必有其子"。
   (B) "患難見真情"。
   (C) "江山易改,本性難移"。
   (D) "有志者事竟成"。

moral [ˋmɔrəl]道德;寓意
leopard [ˋlɛpɚd] 豹;美洲豹
spot [spɑt] 斑點,斑塊;汙點;汙漬;斑紋的
indeed [ɪnˋdid] 真正地,確實,實在
there is a wil 有意志
there is a way 有辦法...

  A scorpion and a frog met at the side ..-阿摩線上測驗