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Ellen Glanz lied to her teacher about why she hadn’t done her homework; but, of course, many students have lied to their teachers. The difference is that Ellen Glanz was a twenty-eight-year-old high school social studies teacher who was a student for six months to improve her teaching by gaining a fresh prospect of her school.
She found many classes boring, students doing as little as necessary to pass tests and get good grades, students using tricks to avoid assignment, and students skillfully persuading teachers to do the work for them. She concluded that many students are turned off because they have little power and responsibility for their own education.
Ellen Glanz found herself doing the same things as the students. There was the day when Glanz wanted to join her husband in helping friends celebrate the purchase of a house, but she had homework for a math class. For the first time, she knew how teenagers feel when they think something is more important than homework.

【題組】50 What is Ellen Glanz’s attitude toward students’ lying?
(A) understanding
(B) negative
(C) positive
(D) cheerful

難度: 簡單
偉大茄子神 大二下 (2017/03/30)
She found many class☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆, ...


Ellen Glanz lied to her teacher about wh..-阿摩線上測驗