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The first film of the Harry Potter series is based on J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. The story 【51】 Harry Potter (Radcliffe), who goes to a school for young wizards learning witchcraft and wizardry. Before Harry goes back for his second year, he 【52】 a creature named Dobby that if he goes back, terrible things will happen. 【53】 , Harry ignores Dobby’s warning and goes back to school where he hooks back up with his friends Ron (Grint) and Hermione (Watson). Very soon after they arrive, 【54】 begin to happen: people roaming the hallways begin to turn to stone. Harry and his friends have to find out 【55】 and stop it! And then the story continues. The special effects of the film are great and so is the acting.
(A) is warned by
(B) is killed by
(C) is encouraged by
(D) is captured by

The first film of the Harry Potter serie..-阿摩線上測驗