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So far as humans are concerned, there will be a few positive impacts of the likely climate 1 , in parts of Siberia or northern Canada, increased temperature will tend to lengthen the growing season with the possibility of growing a greater variety of crops in these regions. In some places, increased carbon dioxide will 2 the growth of some types of plants, leading to increased crop yields. However, because, over centuries, human communities have adapted 3 lives and activities to the present climate, most changes in climate will tend to produce an 4 impact. If the changes occur rapidly, quick and possibly costly adaptation to a(n) 5 climate will be required by the affected community. An alternative might be for the affected community to 6 to a region where less adaptation would be needed—a solution which has become increasinglyor, in some cases, impossible in the modern crowded world.
(A) settle
(B) deliver
(C) enhance
(D) move

難度: 非常困難

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So far as humans are concerned, there wi..-阿摩線上測驗