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【題組】 When you 【61】 a foreign purchase to a bank credit card, such as MasterCard or Visa, all you lose with most cards is the 1percent the issuer charges for the actual exchange. Other banks, 【62】 , add a surcharge of 2to 3percent on transactions in foreign currencies. Even 【63】 a surcharge, you generally lose less with a credit card 【64】 with currency or traveler’s checks. Therefore, don’t use traveler’s checks as your primary 【65】 of foreign payment. But do take along a few $20checks or bills to exchange at retail for those last minute or unexpected needs.
(A) mean
(B) means
(C) meaning
(D) material

難度: 適中

倒數 4天 ,已有 1 則答案
bn3 高三上 (2022/03/11):

當您【61】在國外使用銀行信用卡(如萬事達卡或維薩卡)購買時,您使用大多數卡所損失的只是實際兌換時發卡行收取的 1%。其他銀行,【62】,對外幣交易加收 2% 到 3% 的附加費。即使是【63】的附加費,用信用卡【64】加貨幣或旅行支票,你通常損失更少。因此,請勿將旅行支票作為您對外支付的主要【65】。但請隨身攜帶幾張 20 美元的支票或鈔票,以便在零售店換取最後一分鐘或意外的需求。

【題組】65. (A)意思 (B)means 金錢 (C)意義 (D)材料


【題組】 When you 【61】 a foreign purchase t..-阿摩線上測驗