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My first reaction was annoyance. It was Friday afternoon, and I was within an hour of finishing my work for the week. As I was leaving, a nurse brought me one more patient message. The statement read: "Mm. Jones called to say that she has had blurred vision (视觉模煳) ever since her medical test this morning. " I smiled.  Suddenly our tests were causing eye problems.
    This week my patients had questioned everything. My patient with high blood pressure had stopped coming to her treatment on the advice of an Internet chat room. A woman who had a mental problem was substituting ( 用......代替) St. John' s word for her medication. Now Mrs. Jones was imagining problems. I rolled my eyes.
    My second reaction was worry. As I looked through her record, I tried to figure out why she would have blurred vision, but nothing in her record explained the new problem. She' s probably just anxious, I thought. Still, she wouldn't have called if she had been all right. I picked up the phone.My first reaction was annoyance. It was Friday afternoon, and I was within an hour of finishing my work for the week. As I was leaving, a nurse brought me one more patient message. The statement read: "Mm. Jones called to say that she has had blurred vision (视觉模煳) ever since her medical test this morning. " I smiled.  Suddenly our tests were causing eye problems.
    This week my patients had questioned everything. My patient with high blood pressure had stopped coming to her treatment on the advice of an Internet chat room. A woman who had a mental problem was substituting ( 用......代替) St. John' s word for her medication. Now Mrs. Jones was imagining problems. I rolled my eyes.
    My second reaction was worry. As I looked through her record, I tried to figure out why she would have blurred vision, but nothing in her record explained the new problem. She' s probably just anxious, I thought. Still, she wouldn't have called if she had been all right. I picked up the phone.

【題組】67. The students felt proud of Helios because______.
(A) it could run as far as 350 miles
(B) it was favored by many children
(C) it had high-quality batteries
(D) it was driven by clean energy

My first reaction was annoyance. It was ..-阿摩線上測驗