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(D)irections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from
(A)—F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

【題組】81. Yes. We’ve done such a poor job with music education because, as a society, we haven’t maintained the kind of education that a true artist and musician needs. Young people haven’t been able to equate romance and talent with music. For instance, most of the people who make it in the music industry today have to look good. How they sound is secondary. Sarah Vaughan,
(B)essie Smith,
(E)lla Fitzgerald — those big, romantic queens of jazz music wouldn’t make it in today’s music industry, and that’s a shame. We need to teach young people about the alternatives.

難度: 計算中

((E)) (D)irections: Read the following ..-阿摩線上測驗