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II. 綜合測驗(第 6 題至第 30 題,共 50 分)
( A ) People who sleep less than six hours per night or more than eight are more likely to suffer heart problems than people who sleep between six and eight hours, said a U.S. study. The findings confirm   6   in previous, smaller studies, but are based on a nationally representative sample of 3,000 people. The subjects were people over age 45 who   7   a survey of health issues in U.S. households. They were asked to describe their sleep   8   and were also asked if they were ever told they had heart ailments. People who said they got too little sleep were two times more likely to have a stroke or heart attack and 1.6 more likely to have congestive heart failure   9   people who slept between six and eight hours nightly.   10   these findings, it seems getting six to eight hours of sleep every day probably confers the least risk for cardiovascular disease over the long term, the researchers said.

(A) even
(B) than
(C) for
(D) among

難度: 簡單
cjstore 高三上 (2018/02/22)
A.甚至  B.比  C.為了  D.在...★★...

zzek2841l4z8 國一上 (2017/04/28)


II. 綜合測驗(第 6 題至第 30 題,共 50 分) ( A ) Peop..-阿摩線上測驗