
Because a play presents its action before an audience, the experience it creates is a communal experience, and its impact is intensified. Reading a short story or a novel is a private transaction between the reader and a book, but the performance of a play is public. The spectator’s response is affected by the presence of other spectators. A comedy becomes funnier when one hears others laughing, a tragedy more moving when others are present to carry the current of feeling. A dramatic experience, in fact, becomes more intense almost exactly to the extent that it is shared and the individual spectator becomes aware that others are having the same experience. This intensification is partly dependent on the size of the audience, but more on their sense of community with each other. A play will be more successful performed before a small audience in a packed auditorium than before a larger audience in a half-filled one.
【題組】90. According to the author, which of the following statements is Right?
(A)Watching a play is similar to reading a novel.
(B)The intensification of drama is wholly dependent on the size of the audience.
(C)The individual spectator becomes aware that others are having the same experience.
(D) A play will be successfully performed in a modern rather than an old theater

Because a play presents its action befor..-阿摩線上測驗