
三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案 ,選出最適當的答案】  I am Palestinian. When I was seven, I remember seeing people throwing rocks on television. I thought it a fun thing to do, so I got out to the street and threw rocks. I did not realize I was supposed to throw rocks at Israeli cars. Instead, I ended up stoning my neighbors' cars. They were definitely not 16 about my patriotism. 
My older brother was not so lucky, though. He was arrested and taken to prison on charges of throwing stones when he was eighteen. He was beaten up because he refused to confess, and 17 , had internal injuries. The injuries caused his death soon after he was released from prison. 
I was angry, I was bitter, and all I wanted was revenge. But that changed when I, too, turned eighteen. I needed Hebrew to get a job. The classroom in which I studied Hebrew was 18 I first met Jews who were not soldiers. Surprisingly, we connected over really small things, like the fact that I love country music. 
On the other hand, 19 I realized also that we had a wall of anger, hatred and ignorance that separated us. I decided that what happens to me doesn’t matter as much as how I deal with it. Therefore, I decided to dedicate my life to 20 the walls that separate people. To do this, I founded a social enterprise that aims to connect people through tourism, and I invite you to join me and change the world.


難度: 非常簡單
Allison Tsai 國二下 (2016/08/30)
文章翻譯:(翻譯不好,有誤請指教...) 我是巴勒斯坦人。在我七歲時,我記得在電視機裡看見人們丟擊石頭。我以為那是一件好玩的事,所以我走到街上(跟著)丟石頭。當時我並不明白我可以向以色列車隊丟石頭。最後我向我鄰居的車扔石頭。他們對我的愛國精神顯然並不感到熱烈。 我哥哥就沒那麼幸運了。他因亂丟石頭的罪名被逮捕而坐牢,那時他18歲。他被毒打因為他拒絕懺悔,因此造成多處的內傷。這些傷害也導致在他出獄之後不久便去世。 我很憤怒、充滿仇恨,且極度想要報仇。但當我也到了18歲的年紀,一切都變了。我需要(學習)希伯來語來取得一份工作。在我學習希伯來語的教室裡,我第.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
Flying high 大二上 (2016/01/11)

They were definitely not enthusiastic  about my patriotism.

112年已上岸,挑戰極限 博二下 (2022/09/15)

Instead, I ended up stoning my neighbors' cars. They were definitely not enthusiastic about my patriotism. 
相反的,我最後用石頭砸了鄰居的車。 他們絕對不熱衷於我的愛國主義。
(A) 一致、始終如喔
(B) 特性、獨特的
(C) adj.熱情的;熱烈的;熱心的[(+about/over/at)]
(D) 統計的、統計學

三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案 ,選出最適當的答案】&nb..-阿摩線上測驗